What is a minibeast? All of these creatures can be called minibeasts Insects Arachnids (spiders) Crustaceans (woodlice) Myriapods (centipedes/ millipedes) Molluscs (slugs and snails) Worms
They are all small!
What do they all share in common? They do not have a backbone (spine)! They are called INVERTEBRATES We have a backbone! We are called VERTEBRATES
They have an outer body skeleton As well as keeping the body solid, it also helps to protect them from harm. What do they all share in common?
Where do you find minibeasts? leaf litter rotten logs under stones and bits of wood on trees and bushes soil Many places!
How do you find them? You have to look very carefully! Many minibeasts use camouflage to protect themselves This means they try to look like part of their habitat (the place where they live)
What should you avoid? Areas where trees or branches have recently fallen. Exposed tree roots Wasps – they can sting Wasps nests Woodlouse hunting spiders – they can bite
How should we handle minibeasts? Remember they are small and fragile We must be careful We must be gentle If you pick up a minibeast to take a closer look remember to put it back where you found it
Simple ways to identify your minibeast Use a good wildlife book Count the legs and follow the simple rule: 0 legs = Worms, slugs and snails 6 legs = insects 8 legs = spiders 14 legs = woodlice More than 14 legs = centipedes and millipedes Use a ‘key’
Back in the classroom Science - Make your own key Art - Draw some minibeasts Creative writing – a day in the life of a millipede, snail etc… IT - Minibeast game – Drama – how do minibeasts move? Music - Learn the insect song
The insect song Head, thorax, abdomen, abdomen And 3 legs here And 3 legs there Eyes, and antennae on my head, on my head