Does medium make a difference? How about subject? Take a few minutes and take the quiz on pages 4-5 of your book. When done, close the book.
Whaam!, 1963, Roy Lichtenstein Why can this be art? Why not?
Felt Suit, 1970, Joseph Beuys Does the artist’s INTENT matter? Does the story behind the work matter?
Does time/permenance matter? Does location matter?
H.R.H. Briefcase, 1985, Marilyn Levien Does the medium matter? Does the subject matter?
Monogram, 1959, Robert Rauschenberg Again, does medium matter? Does the artist have to make the medium or is assemblage from found objects ok?
On the same piece of paper that you took the quiz, complete questions 1-6 on page 11. Turn in on the front table, in front of the tape/stapler, make sure your name is on it.