Wednesday January 14, 2009 Agenda HOMEWORK STRIKE SYSTEM IN EFFECT: Materials Needed: Pen/Pencil Composition notebook 2 sheets of paper HOMEWORK STRIKE SYSTEM IN EFFECT: COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK, 2 SHEETS OF PAPER, AND PEN/PENCIL Agenda WARNING: YOU NEED YOUR NOTEBOOK AND 2 SHEETS OF PAPER OUT BEFORE THE BELL. Warm up: Writing+ opinions Warm up discussion Finish persuasive brochure on real paper with colored pencils/markers. (35 minutes) Introduction/Body Paragraph Review PP Notes: How to write a conclusion paragraph The key to difficult prompts—imagination! “Throwing it all together”: FCAT Prompt (remaining time)—homework if not finished by end of bell. Objective(s): Practice the traits of a good persuasive brochure by finishing it in under 35 minutes. Identify the traits of a good conclusion paragraph by taking notes. Apply previously learned good 5-paragraph traits by writing a 5 paragraph essay in under 60 minutes.
Homework Strike System Remember to learn from your mistakes—ask yourself WHY you got homework. Your homework tonight: Read “The First Seven Years” on pg. 120-127. Answer questions 1-6 on a piece of paper. DUE TOMORROW. Read “Distillation” on pg. 132-140. Answer questions 1-7 on a piece of paper. DUE TOMORROW.
WARM UP Warm Up, 1/14/09 [3 min] Now that you know how to write an introduction paragraph (word picture) and body paragraphs, do you feel confident that you will do well on the FCAT Writes? Why or why not? Is there anything additional you wish I would have taught during this past week? Please be honest; we still have a few weeks before the test for remediation.
Finishing Your Brochure NO NOTES Finishing Your Brochure You will be finishing your brochure. You need to complete: Front Back Three (3) Inside panels Look to your notes for help; see me if you weren’t here yesterday. Colored pencils/crayons are at the front of the room; please SHARE You have 35 minutes.
An Introduction Paragraph NO NOTES An Introduction Paragraph Is made up of two (2) parts: Word Picture Graphic description with sensory detail. Transition One sentence Briefly mention the three things you will discuss in your three body paragraphs.
NO NOTES Example “What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Why is it your favorite fast food restaurant? Just imagine a thick, juicy square burger as it slides into your mouth, hitting all your taste buds and making your mouth water uncontrollably. It is this kind of deliciousness that makes me believe that Wendy’s is the most delicious fast food restaurant. (There are many reasons why I believe that Wendy’s is super delicious.) First, the squareness of the burger adds a whole new dimension to your eating experience. Second, their french fries--even without salt--are more delicious than all other french fries ever created. Last, the addition of frosty’s into their menu is infinitely better than all other fast food milkshakes.
A Body Paragraph Is made up of four (4) parts: Transition #1 NO NOTES A Body Paragraph Is made up of four (4) parts: Transition #1 First, second, third, next, last, etc. (see your list) Restate what you will talk about in THIS paragraph. “Let me talk about…” “Let me discuss…” Transition #2 For example, for instance, etc. Painfully long detailed support
NO NOTES Example “What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Why is it your favorite fast food restaurant? First, as I stated before, I believe that Wendy’s burgers are made more delicious and reflect my own internal belief of the “squareness” of society by their natural square size. An excellent example of this came to me the other day when I was sitting at the local Wendy’s with some friends: we were all sitting around, enjoying each others company when a great philosophical hallucination came to me: why have a circular burger? Although the world might be circular--more accurately spherical--why indeed should my burger be the same? Don’t we as human beings pride ourselves on our ability to be unique? I believe that in this respect, a burger should more accurately reflect the growing demands on the human psyche to strive for excellence and individuality—and, not to give into cantankerous masses.
The Conclusion Paragraph TAKE NOTES The Conclusion Paragraph Is made up of four (4) parts: Transition In conclusion, to end with, to summarize Restate your main idea Restate your support A question or zinger “Wouldn’t you…” “Don’t you…”
NO NOTES Example “What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Why is it your favorite fast food restaurant? In conclusion, I believe that Wendy’s is the most delicious fast food restaurant. As I have stated before, I believe their restaurant is made delicious because of their square burgers, their crispy French fries, and their smooth, creamy frosties. With these tasty items in mind, don’t you think it’s time to get in your car and drive to Wendy’s now?
Some Last Tips Faced with a difficult prompt? TAKE NOTES Some Last Tips Faced with a difficult prompt? Use your imagination Hard prompt? Focus on one or two sensory details. Take “the path of least resistance” If the prompt can be answered in yes/no, take the easier answer, even if you disagree with it!
Some Last Tips DW#1: Ban of electronic devices during school NO NOTES Some Last Tips DW#1: Ban of electronic devices during school Imagine walking through the corridors of a school. You stop and listen carefully—beeping, whizzing, and whirling sounds fill the air…. DW #2: The student government representative prompt There is a well-dressed man up on stage. The crowd stands in awe as he delivers a well-executed speech. The sound is thunderous applause…
NO NOTES Your Prompt Write for 60 minutes on the following prompt on the next slide. This is a mock FCAT Writes! Talk during the 60 minutes = 0% If bell rings before 60 minutes is over, you must finish for homework. It will be your first grade of the 3rd quarter—why not start with an “A”?
NO NOTES Your Prompt Your class plans to eat out at a special place for an end of the year celebration. Think about where your class should eat for the celebration. Now write to convince the class why the celebration should be held at the place that you think is the best.