Turn in: 1. Safety Contract 2. Student Page 3. Parent page Get out: Baggy Lab & Data table (stapled, stapler up front) Chapter 2 Review Lab notebook
Name and class period on the front Warm-Ups and Exit Tasks (create a tab on the first page) Class Notes (less than 1/3 of way into book- create a tab) In-Class Assignments (more than 2/3 of way into book- create a tab) Learning Target pocket, for your learning targets!
Your car/school bus burned gasoline to get to school today. Was this a physical or chemical change? Why? Try to come up with the formula for this change.
Chemical Change! (combustion) C 8 H 18 (gasoline) + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 0
Open your notebook to your “notes” section and label these “Unit 1”
Sugar in Water
Trade your homework (chapter 2 review) with your partner Review as a class Ms. Bryce will: ◦ Go through problems and show you the answers You will: ◦ Go through your peer’s paper and write comments on it
Mixture Compound/Pure Substance Molecule Element Atom What goes here? Read the written response to #2 Talk with your partner about any similarities of differences between your response and your peer’s response What do you think the figure to the left represents Think about it Talk to your partner about it Share out What do you think goes into the smallest circle? Copy this into your notes
Set up Turn sheet back in
Physical properties can be measured without changing the chemical identity of a substance (color, odor, density, melting point, boiling point) Chemical properties are measured by reacting a substance with another (flammability, stability, toxicity, etc.) Toxicity test: the drug being injected will change in chemical form in the mouse’s body.
Without Talking, Spread out the deck of cards face up 1. You have 2 minutes to find and record at least 3 patterns you see on the cards silently. 2. Do your recording on the back of your white handout if you run out of room on the front
Share the patterns you saw with your team ◦ You don’t have to do the recording mentioned in step 2. Decide as a group which patterns are most important Use them to arrange the cards into a shape with as many patterns as you can Get to #5: Stop + Raise your hands to check in with Ms. Bryce