Instructions You MUST save your work in YOUR online keyboarding folder. Create a “new folder” called CO. Save your PowerPoint each day. BE SURE you DELETE any words on the slide as you REPLACE with your own information. Most will be in red. Change the font and design and add clip art – if you’d like. Insert ONLY from the Insert tab at the top – don’t go online for this one! The hyperlinks will only function if your PPT is in Slide Show mode. Once you open the links, keep them minimized so you can use them again when needed. Delete this slide when you’re finished with your PPT. You will have three class periods to complete this project.
Your grading rubric Completion of all slides30 points Correct formatting 5 points – Deleting all instructions Accurate, researched information 5 points – Don’t cut and paste information – Double check your facts! Total Possible points40 points
A Look Into My Future Your chosen career Your name Class period Date
My career choice is a (fill in this blank and remove the blank). Add a picture or clip art here – Insert – Clip art – Search for: words that describe your career choice – Search in: all collections – Results should be: check ONLY clip art and photographs – Double click the one you want to insert
A ___________ is Tell what this job is or what it does. Explain it in one to two sentences. Be sure to remove these directions. – You will most likely need to complete all of your research before you can complete this summary on this slide.
The education and/or training I will need: Type of degree and number of years Area of study If no degree, what type of certification or training program must you complete? – You will find this information by locating your chosen career in the Occupational Outlook Handbook or other sites on Mrs. Deese's Webpage. Keep the site up so you can use it again.Occupational Outlook HandbookMrs. Deese's Webpage
The other qualifications for this career are: What do you need to be interested in? What types of skills do you need to have? What will an employer be looking for when you apply for the job? Answer these questions, then be sure to delete all of the instructions that are here in red. This information will also be found on the OOH Site or Career Cluster Series or other site you just used.OOH SiteCareer Cluster Series
The job duties of this career are: What types of things will you be doing on the job daily? You will need to research your chosen career on multiple sites. Use Mrs. Deese's Website links to find your chosen career and learn more about it.Mrs. Deese's Website
The average salary I can expect is: Insert the amount here and tell if it’s hourly or annual (yearly). Be sure and use a $ sign! This can be found on the OOH and other sites.
My expected work schedule will be: Days of the week you will work Hours of day you will work Any days off?
The future of the career: This job outlook of this career is _____ The growth/decline (chose which one and delete the other) is __________ than average This information can be found on the OOH site you should have already used by now.OOH
This career can provide me with an identity, security, and build self esteem because: Find a video or a person who has this career and use their words to answer this – if possible. Video sites are linked from Mrs. Deese's websiteMrs. Deese's website
This career can provide me with the lifestyle I want because: Describe the kind of lifestyle you want in the future. (Refer to your notes in Unit #1 for the definition of “lifestyle” if necessary.) Will this career and it’s salary be what you need to support the lifestyle you expect? – Do not just answer “yes” or “no” – explain how it will or how it will not.
Interesting facts about this career Is it dangerous? Do you get to travel? Will you do something really cool?? Tell us what’s SO interesting about this job – Insert pictures if you’d like.
In conclusion, I want to be a ________ because : Give us as many reasons as you’d like – but be sure you include at least three.
My “Plan B” If you do not have to do this – delete the slide. If you just did your PowerPoint about the careers of athletes, musicians, writers, actors or actresses – you must make a slide here about your “Plan B.” It must include the following: – Education required – Salary expected – Work schedule – Outlook of the career – Why you feel it’s a good fit for you.
Sources Used: List any websites, magazines, book, or people consulted for your project. – “Google” or “Yahoo” are not websites you will use and list. They are search engines used to find other websites.