J.C. Thompson Elementary The Best School in the Universe Curriculum Night September 8, 2015 #jctexperience A Character Counts! School
Blazing Trails of Success The First Grade Team Jeigh Reed Kim Stephenson Emily Brandon Bridget Dore
Communication Please sign up for Remind. to the number Please send a test to your child’s teacher to make sure your s are not going to spam.
Tonight we will… experience a snapshot of a day in the life of a trailblazer learn ways that you can be involved with your child’s classroom and school develop understanding of the expectations of first graders at JCT.
JCT Vision Empowered to learn, motivated to lead! JCT Mission J.C. Thompson, together with families and community, will engage all students in a premier education, preparing them for success in an ever-changing world.
At JCT we will… Take care of ourselves, Take care of each other, Take care of this place!
TRAIL Guide Folder Teaching Responsibility and Inspiring Leadership TRAIL Guide folders go back and forth to home and school daily. You will find the following inside: Guided Reading books Special notes and brags Student work and information home
Communication T.R.A.I.L. Guide Folders Tuesday Newsday communication Call blasts Online grade books (grades 1-5). Please check with the front office if you need directions. Progress reports are available online the 3rd Monday of each six weeks. If your child is failing in a content area, a progress report will be printed and sent home to be signed and returned. Report Cards sent out electronically and on paper the Thursday following the end of each six weeks. Note: First grade does not do progress reports or report cards the first six weeks. We begin grades the second six weeks. You will be able to access these online.
Class Reward System Students receive tokens for following T.R.A.I.L. Guide expectations in the classroom, cafeteria, playground, & hallway. Their token goes into a bag. Teachers will randomly select tokens from the bag to reward students with classroom jobs. Tokens will also be pulled to reward students with a treasure chest item on Fridays. This system is completely positive and recognizes good behaviors seen in all students throughout the day.
Attendance We want your child to have every opportunity to learn. Doors open at 7:20 and school starts promptly at 7:45. We encourage and recognize perfect attendance each six weeks. Whenever your child must be absent, please call the front office at to report the absence. When your child returns, please send a note or doctor’s excuse to explain your child’s absence. Attendance is taken each day at 9:30. Our goal is to have 98% of our students present every day.
Dismissal All ride changes must be in writing this year. This can be in or a handwritten note.
Volunteers Volunteers are welcome at Thompson Elementary and in our classroom!! You may volunteer services, time or supplies. You may volunteer here at school or in the comfort of your own home. Watch D.O.G.S.-Dads, Uncles, Grandpas (Kick-Off will be coming soon!) Moms on a Mission-New opportunity to learn at JCT. More information coming soon! Background check must be complete.
Student Birthdays Birthday celebrations may take place the last part of the day on the playground or in the classroom only. Please provide individual servings for the celebrations (cupcakes, cookies, napkins, etc.) The treat should be dropped off in the office and office staff will deliver at the end of the day. Treats need to be store bought. Please do not bring balloons, party hats or other birthday decorations. The district specifies that birthday invitations may not be passed out during the day; however, the child can pass them out as students leave for the day outside the classroom door.
Daily Schedule 7:20-7:45Morning Work 7:45-8:15Morning Meeting/Phonemic Awareness 8:15-8:45Read Aloud 8:45-9:40AMP 9:40-10:55Readers Workshop 10:55-11:45Writers Workshop 11:45-12:15Lunch 12:15-12:35Recess 12:35-12:45Restroom/Read Aloud 12:45-2:10Math 2:10-2:40Science/Social Studies 2:40-2:45Dismissal
AMP Schedule Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri. BrandonArtPEMusicPEFitness Friday DorePEMusicPEArtFitness Friday ReedPEArtPEMusicFitness Friday StephensonMusicPEArtPEFitness Friday
Library Schedule Monday ~ Ms. Stephenson Tuesday ~ Mrs. Dore Wednesday ~ Mrs. Reed Thursday ~ Mrs. Brandon
Dress Code For more information: See Student Handbook and Code of Conduct!
Getting to Know the Curriculum Please check out the Elementary Education Brochure on our school website.
What do we want your children to know? What do we want your children to know? We use the workshop model in all of our subjects! Opening This is where students learn about the lesson for the day and find out what their learning target is. Work Period This is where students are working: independently, with partners, and in small groups. Closing This is where we sum up their learning and assess whether they were able to meet their learning target for the lesson.
How can I help my child at home? Read every night, for at least minutes. Make sure to pick up a handout with questions to ask your child after reading. Great Math Apps! Make 10 Plus Math Slide 10 Frame Fill
Conferences Our conferences will be in October. Dates include: October 6 th -9 th. Sign up will be through Sign Up Genius, will be coming soon. Contact your child’s teacher at any time if you have any concerns throughout the year.