Note: Everything below must happen automatically (no CLICKing necessary). Make the foot kick the soccer ball and make the sound play at the same time. Have the ball roll into the net (hint: use the Emphasis “Spin”). Bring the word “Goal” onto the screen. Save this file to your Apps folder. You do not need to change the file name.
1.Insert any song from the “Sample Music” folder on the Share drive 2.Hide the icon 3.Play it across slides 4.Transition all your slides with: a)A transition named “gallery” b)Transition duration of seconds c)Transition advances after 1 second. 5.Follow directions on slide 3 (they are off to the left of the actual slide).
Change the background of this slide to a photo of a beach from Clip Art. Hint: You do not use the Insert tab to change the Background. Bring monkey in from left of screen and stop under tree. After monkey stops, make coconut hit the monkey on the head. Make the monkey scream and run away. Everything should happen automatically and smoothly. Raise your folder when you are finished and I will check your work.
Made it this far? Congratulations! Try to think of an animation on your own that you could create on this slide. (You may delete this message.) Need Ideas? Make people enter and exit a scene and “talk” to each other using speech or thought balloons. Build a house one part at a time. (Note: this part is not graded, so don’t linger on it if you are finishing this late)