Non-specific & Specific immune responses
is the body’s ability to repel foreign substances by defension against invading pathogens by removal of dead cells by identification & destruction of abnormal and mutant cells by rejection of „foreign“ cells and organs
Allergies Autoimmune disorders Lupus Allergens
innate quick body’s first line against invaders not directed against a particular pathogen
Species resistance Mechanical barriers Chemical barriers Fever Inflammation Phagocytosis
acquired effective against specific pathogens cooperate with lymphatic system - lymphocytes
Cellular immunity = Cellular immune system T – lymphocytes – originate in bone marrow and mature in thymus cytotoxic T-cells; helper T-cells, suppressor T-cells MECHANISM: T-lymphocytes mature into active killer T-cells that attack cells infected by pathogens or are cancerous lysis of infected cell suprpessor T-cells stop the activity of killer T-cells
Humoral immunity = Humoral immune system B – lymphocytes – originate in bone marrow and stay there to develop antibodies MECHANISM: Helper T-cells activate B-lymphocytes they mature into plasma cells = memory cells (are able to produce antibodies and form memory marks to remember invaders for the next time) each antibody binds with particular antigen agglutination (clump together) phagocytosis by macrophages