Project One – Adventure Island In Literacy, we are reading ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ which depicts the power of friendship, and explores life on a remote island. Step 1 - Research some real life islands around the world. You will need access to atlases, maps, the internet and possibly the library. For each island you will need to organize the data or information you have collected either into charts or tables. Step 2 - Now it’s time to create your own undiscovered ‘Adventure Island’. You will need to make up your own information for the island and even imagine what it would be like to wake up and find yourself there. You will also need to draw a map of your island and give a narrative description of the place. Use the research from the first half to give you ideas of what could be included. Step 3 – You meet a friend who has lived on the island away from civilization for many years and they don’t speak English but they help you by sharing food and showing you where to find water. Together, you share many adventures. Step 4 – Revise, edit and publish your story ensuring that your work is error-free. Give your story a title, and if you wish, include pictures.
Project Two – Artful Explorations in Nature - In Art, we will be exploring the great outdoors, and using the environment to produce pieces of Art. Step One – What is Environmental Art? – Research this question and the work of two environmental artists. Produce a fact file showing examples of their work and a brief history of the artist to help determine what inspires them. Compare and contrast your chosen artists by discussing similarities and differences between their work. Do you prefer the work of one artist in particular? Why? Step Two – Go Outdoors and begin to collect interesting pieces of nature that inspire you as an artist. Plan your piece of Art using a range of natural materials. Take a photograph or photographs at different stages or draw a sketch/es of your work. Step Three – Complete or revise your piece of Environmental Art before writing about what inspired you to choose the natural materials that you used in your piece. Did you follow the style of one of your chosen environmental artists? Step Four – Evaluation - All artists evaluate their work to both, celebrate and improve in their next piece of Artwork. Write what you felt went well, and what you would change if you were to do it again. Like all true environmental artists your materials will need to be returned to their natural environment when you have finished.
Project Three – Eat Plants – In Science, we will be growing plants, finding out where and when they grow, and how they reproduce to give a plentiful supply in our world. Step One - Research the life cycle of a plant and produce a fact file describing the different stages. Possibly plant a seed, and begin to watch the amazing first stage of germination. Step Two – Some plants are delicious to eat. In Geography, we will be looking at weather and climate. Can you research different plants that are grown to eat, around the world. Consider when and why they are grown there. Produce your findings in any form that you choose. Step Three – Survival – Using as many plant-based ingredients as possible that could be found or grown on ‘your island’ can you make you and ‘your new friend’ something to eat. It could be as simple or as ingenious as you like. Consider the climate and weather conditions on your island when you are selecting the ingredients. Step Four – Recipe – Write a set of instructions for your dish that you have made. Remember to be give clear step-by-step instructions and a list of ingredients needed. What is your dish called?