Country experiences in meeting European Union requirements pre and post accesion IVICA SUČEC, DVM FAO TCP/RER/3402 “Assistance to Western Balkan Countries for Improving Compliance to International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health” Regional Workshop 5: Improving Methods for Regional Aquaculture Development and Promotion Podgorica, Montenegro, October 2014.
EU LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK 2006/ / / / / / / / /896 Work in progress: Animal Health Law Diagnostic Manual
New EU Animal Health Law Aquatic aspects General principles – Title I Terrestrial animals – Title II Aquatic animals – Title III Other animals – Title IV (?) Amendments, detailed rules and Committee procedure – Title V Transitional and final provisions – Title VI
Title I Principles: similar approach as General Food Law (Regulation (EC) 178/2002) Responsibilities for animal health Responsibilities for movements, incl. – import/export Disease categorisation Emerging /exotic diseases General principles on vaccination policy, use of veterinary medicines etc. Notification, surveillance, reporting General principles: disease preparedness Contingency plans, alert exercises Reference laboratories General safeguard measures (intra Union trade + import), including quarantine
Aquatic animals – the approach Keep the provisions of Directive 2006/88 General provisions included in Title I: Notification, good hygiene practice, contingency plan,vaccination, EURL, NRL etc…. Title III: Specific for aquatic animals Annexes to delegated/implementing acts Harmonise with terrestrial animals when appropriate Simplify and clarify where necessary
EU INITIATIVE on dg. COMMISSION DECISION - requirements for surveillance and diagnostic methods 1/2 European Union lays down: diagnostic procedures, sampling methods, criteria for the evaluation of the results of laboratory tests (suspicion, confirmation), achieveing the status of disease free zone or compartment.
In order to ensure uniform procedures for surveillance schemes, including health inspections and sampling, and diagnosis of the aquatic diseases listed in Annex IV to Directive 2006/88/EC, this Decision sets out: (a)minimum requirements for surveillance schemes and diagnostic methods that shall be used by Member States to achieve, regain or maintain disease free status as regards the aquatic diseases listed in Annex IV to Directive 2006/88/EC for the Member State, zones or compartments; (b)minimum requirements and criteria for the evaluation of the results for diagnostic methods to be performed in the case of suspicion and to confirm the presence of the listed diseases. EU INITIATIVE on dg. COMMISSION DECISION - requirements for surveillance and diagnostic methods 2/2
1.3.1 Diseases of fish Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis Epizootic ulcerative syndrome Infection with Gyrodactylus salaris Infectious haematopoietic necrosis Infectious salmon anaemia Koi herpesvirus disease Red sea bream iridoviral disease Spring viraemia of carp Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia Diseases of molluscs Infection with abalone herpes virus Infection with Bonamia ostreae Infection with Bonamia exitiosa Infection with Marteilia refringens Infection with Perkinsus marinus Infection with Perkinsus olseni Infection with Xenohaliotis californiensis Diseases of crustaceans Crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis Infectious myonecrosis Necrotising hepatopancreatitis Taura syndrome White spot disease White tail disease Yellow head disease Chapter 1.3. Disease Listed by OIE Diseases of amphibians Infection with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Infection with ranavirus
Criteria for listing diseases Exotic diseases shall meet the following criteria laid down in point 1 and either point 2 or The disease is exotic to the Community, i.e. the disease is not established in Community aquaculture, and the pathogen is not known to be present in Community waters. 2. It has potential for significant economic impact if introduced into the Community, either by production losses in Community aquaculture or by restricting the potential for trade in aquaculture animals and products thereof. 3. It has potential for detrimental environmental impact if introduced into the Community, to wild aquatic animal populations of species, which are an asset worth protecting by Community law or international provisions.
Non-exotic diseases shall meet the following criteria laid down in points 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 2 or Several Member States, or regions in several Member States, are free of the specific disease. 2. It has potential for significant economic impact if introduced into a Member State 3. The disease has shown, where it occurs, to have a detrimental environmental impact if introduced into a Member State free of the disease, to wild aquatic animal populations of species that is an asset worth protecting under Community law or international provisions. 4. The disease is difficult to control and contain at farm or mollusc farming area level without stringent control measures and trade restrictions. 5. The disease may be controlled at Member State level, experience having shown that zones or compartments free of the disease may be established and maintained, and that this maintenance is cost-beneficial. 6. During placing on the market of aquaculture animals, there is a risk that the disease will establish itself in a previously uninfected area. 7. Reliable and simple tests for infected aquatic animals are available. The tests must be specific and sensitive and the testing method harmonised at Community level. Criteria for listing diseases
National disease list ??? Which diseases are of public health concern? Wich diseases are obstacle for further growth of aquaculture? Are they present in country, what should we do to detect/control them? Are they covered by existing legislation?
Recommendations for national legislation 1/3 to establish national pathogen list (listed diseases – EU-OIE, other diseases of concern for aquaculture sector) to agree and draft Multiannual National Strategic Aquaculture Plan – objectives, – measures, – timetables, – future development of aquaculture sector
Recommendations 2/3 To implement monitoring/surveillance programmes accordingly Purpose of programme Achieving disease free status on all farms To assure conditions for free trade of live fish Protection of aquaculture capacities in country Financial provisions – Stakeholders, national budget Movement control – Between farms, wild waters Biosecurity manulas – For farms, processing plants Good Hygiene practice
Contingency plans – Disease outbreak managment for exotic diseases – Disease control centres established – Chain of command – Laboratory network Eradication plan Outbreaks will occur… is a matter of time Recommendations 3/3