Writing with Detail: Adverbs Identifying adverbs Adding detail with adverbs Review A Review B
Identifying adverbs Adverbs are words that answer these questions: Where? Brian and I met there. When? Brian and I met yesterday. How? Brian and I met quickly. To what extent? Brian and I barely met.
Grammar Guy Says... Identifying adverbs Many adverbs that answer the questions “How?” or “To what extent?” end in –ly. Grammar Guy Says... How? The snow melted gradually. To what extent? We scarcely had time to eat.
Identifying adverbs Since adverbs add detail, a passage without them can be boring and difficult to understand. A few people started singing. More joined the tune, and the song rang. Everyone in the stands was singing. The passage is hard to follow because no adverbs indicate where, when, how, or to what extent the action happened.
Identifying adverbs Now, see what the passage looks like after adverbs have been added. First a few people started singing softly. Then more joined the tune, and the song rang out. Soon everyone in the stands was singing joyously. The adverbs show the order in which events took place and describe what the singing was like.
Identifying adverbs Identify each adverb in the following sentences. A sentence may contain more than one adverb. Be prepared to identify what question each adverb answers. 1. We discovered that the bus had left early. 2. Selma gently cradled the newborn puppy. 3. Did I trim the rose bushes too close?
Identifying adverbs Identify each adverb in the following sentences. A sentence may contain more than one adverb. Be prepared to identify what question each adverb answers. 1. We discovered that the bus had left early. Early modifies the verb had left and answers the question “When?”
Identifying adverbs Identify each adverb in the following sentences. A sentence may contain more than one adverb. Be prepared to identify what question each adverb answers. 2. Selma gently cradled the newborn puppy. Gently modifies the verb cradled and answers the question “How?”
Identifying adverbs Identify each adverb in the following sentences. A sentence may contain more than one adverb. Be prepared to identify what question each adverb answers. 3. Did I trim the rose bushes too close? Close modifies the verb trim and answers the question “How?” Too modifies the adverb close and answers the question “To what extent?”
Adding detail with adverbs To add detail to your writing, include words that answer these questions: Where? Columbus may have landed here. When? Later, I heard the true reason. How? The police responded quickly. To what extent? Summer has never been so hot.
Adding detail with adverbs On Your Own The following sentences describe a scene but are not very detailed. Add detail to each of the following sentences by adding adverbs. 1. People waited for the rocket to launch. 2. They looked and shielded their eyes. 3. Speakers blared the final countdown. 4. The spectators saw the plume of flame. 5. They heard the engines rumble. [End of Section]
Adding detail with adverbs Possible Answers The following sentences describe a scene but are not very detailed. Add detail to each of the following sentences by adding adverbs. 1. People eagerly waited for the rocket to launch. 2. They looked up and shielded their eyes. 3. Soon speakers blared the final countdown. 4. The spectators saw the plume of flame first. 5. Then they heard the engines rumble deeply.
Review A Identify the adverb(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Now you can fold a paper crane. Puzzle pieces are scattered everywhere! 3. Mark ran fast to see what had made the noise. 4. I think that we planted the vegetables too soon. 5. We were glad to head home finally.
Review A Identify the adverb(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Now you can fold a paper crane. Puzzle pieces are scattered everywhere! 3. Mark ran fast to see what had made the noise. 4. I think that we planted the vegetables too soon. 5. We were glad to head home finally.
Review B Provide extra detail by adding adverbs to the following sentences. Be prepared to identify which question each adverb answers. 1. New apartments are being built. 2. We will do our weekly shopping. 3. The giant plane lifted into the air. 4. Inflating the tires improved mileage. 5. My drawing for the magazine cover is finished.
Review B Provide extra detail by adding adverbs to the following sentences. Be prepared to identify which question each adverb answers. [possible answers] 1. New apartments are being built downtown. Where? 2. We will do our weekly shopping tomorrow. When? 3. The giant plane slowly lifted into the air. How? 4. Inflating the tires significantly improved mileage. To what extent? 5. My drawing for the magazine cover is nearly finished. To what extent?
The End