“Think Globally, Act Locally” 26-September-2012 John Lincoln VP Enterprise Marketing, du
My upcoming book! 2 du Confidential and Restricted
One man’s meat is another man’s poison! 3 What does this mean? UK = O.K. Russia = ZeroJapan = MoneyBrazil = Insult
Different strokes for different folks! 4 Just fit in, don’t go too far, will you?
Of nuances, semblances and perceptions! In Japan, do not stick the chop sticks vertically in a bowl of rice… In Korea, do not write someone’s name in red… Number 4 is very unlucky (it means death) in Asia… oPsion (of UK) Series 3 PDA skipped to Series 5 to avoid this e.g. Do not shake with left hand (of course)… Personal space is very important in US… Yes does not mean yes (instead it mean “I heard” you) in certain cultures… Kissing on both cheeks while handshaking works in some EU, but not in Japan or China… … 5
Did you know and why? In the early days in the US, African children preferred to play with white dolls? French children play among themselves closer (in terms of distance) to their parents than the American children do? In Russia, when a man hands over a peeled banana to a woman, he is romantically interested? When left alone, Japanese person has the exact same expression as American when negative images are shown. But when in a group, he smiles instead? … 6 du Confidential and Restricted
Some Verbal Miscues You’ve got to be “kidding!” Oh “shut up!” Let me “use” someone (in India, this is not good at all, but in other countries, it may not mean negative) “Fire” someone (in the US, this means termination of employment, but in other countries, it may mean verbal bombardment) … 7 du Confidential and Restricted
Generalization is Dangerous but… Time oChronocracy (Western) – time is money, being punctual is important, … oPolychronous (Eastern) – time is fluid, “talking over” each other is okay, … Volume of voice oRaised (Latin America) – normal oNot raised (Canadian/Japan) – normal Personal space oLarger (Americans) - expected oSmaller (Europeans/Asians) – perfectly normal Responsibility oFate driven (Eastern) oPersonally responsible (Western) 8
Generalization is dangerous! 9 Patience oQueue waiting (e.g. UK) – orderly, follow democracy, … oFrench-queue – anything goes? Face and Face-saving Sense of belonging oIndividualism (Western) oCommunitarianism (Eastern) Eye contact oMust for some, rude for others Touch oNatural for some, no-no for others
You must internalize the power distance, risk averseness, male orientation and individualism of a culture! 10 du Confidential and Restricted Return privileges and Extended warranties Might be enticing Promotions commensurate With social status Might be enticing Promising empowerment Might be enticing Communal Benefit Might be enticing
The “providence paradox” is real! 11 Consumer only willing to pay $50Consumer willing to pay $300~$ percentile wine quality Venezuela Farm Venezuela’s product not viewed as premiumBelgium or Swiss Premium Chocolate Products
Three Methodologies to Overcome the Paradox 12 By methodical incremental value creation By acquisition By creating effective branding or channel
The P’s in the Lincoln pod Purpose Profit Plan Process Pace People 13
In Conclusion Mindful of P’s Think globally, act locally Know thy audience Overcome Providence Paradox Be successful with purposeful plan 14 du Confidential and Restricted