Group 2: Parking Garage Monitoring System (PGMS) From left to right : Matt Downes Stephen Osborn Pawanjit S. Chawla Anup R. Daniel
Noticed inefficiency in finding parking spaces in large facilities Lack of information regarding parking spot vacancies Thought of a solution to this problem by allowing people to check vacant parking spots via the web
Detection of vehicle occupancy by implementing a parking monitoring system Ultrasonic sensors detect presence of vehicles Atmel and multiplexers used to group thirty-two sensors to one transmission point RF transmitters and receivers used to send/receive data
Rabbit 3010 module used to process the information from multiple RF receivers. Web server used to display vehicle occupancy information A web enabled wireless device allows a person to find the closest parking space
Project consists of 4 modules –Sensor Module –Transmitter Module –Receiver Module –Base Station Module
Sensor Module –Consists of ultrasonic sensor SRF04 –Used to detect the presence of vehicles –Connection via RJ-45 jack Power, ground and ping are received Echo is returned
Transmitter Module, comprised of : –Atmel ATmega8515L Controls the mux/demux for the ping/echo Stores echo information to determine when to transmit When transmission is needed, outputs information via the USART –Linx TXM-433-LC RF Transmitter Receives data from the USART Transmits to receiver module
Transmitter Module –Connected via RJ-45 to sensor module
Receiver Module –Consists of Linx RXM- 433-LC RF Receiver Constantly receiving data Connects via RJ-45 module to the base station module Sends data and ground to the base station module
Base station module –Consists of rabbit RCM 3010 Receives data from receiver module via RJ- 45 Determines if valid data has been received –Displays the valid data on the web page –If invalid data is received, the rabbit ignores it
Web server –Displays parking information Outputs the total spots in the garage Outputs the used spots in the garage
MUXMUX DEMUXDEMUX ATMEL ATmega8515L Receiver n Receiver… Receiver 2 Linx RXM-433-LC RF Receiver 1 PING ECHO SELECT LINE RABBIT RCM 3010 Linx TXM-433-LC RF Transmitter WEB SERVER TRANSMISSION CELLSRF04 Ultrasonic Sensors
Constraint Analysis & Component Selection Patent Liability Reliability and Safety Ethical/Environmental Impact
Considerations: Environmental - Temperature Variation - Humidity Changes Part Quality
Power Supply Reliability - Voltage Regulator - Electrolytic Capacitor - Schottky Diode Sensor Reliability Microcontroller Reliability RF Chips Reliability
Rationale for selection of components –Microcontroller Computational Requirements Memory Capacity Ethernet Capability for base station –RF Module Transmission Strength –Sensors Type of detection Detection Range –General Concerns Weather Conditions
Clock Speed –Rabbit Micorcontroller Web server provides access to information Parking vehicles in designated places RCM2100 RCM2110 RCM2120 RCM2130 Microprocessor Rabbit 2000™ at 22.1 MHz RCM3000 RCM3010 Microprocessor Rabbit 3000 at 29.4 MHz –Atmel Micorcontroller 8-bit AVR Microcontroller Up to 16 MHz
Mostly for processing data –Rabbit Micocontroller RCM2100 RCM2110 RCM2120 RCM2130 Flash 512K 256K 512K 256K SRAM 512K 128K 512K 128K RCM3000 RCM3010 Flash 512K (2 x 256K) 256K SRAM 512K 128K –Atmel Micorcontroller 8-bit AVR Microcontroller Flash 64K SRAM 4K
Rabbit Micorocontroller – RCM2100 RCM2110 RCM2120 RCM Base-T, RJ-45, None 2 LED’s – RCM3000 RCM Base-T, RJ-45, 2 LED’s Amtel Microcontroller – 8-bit AVR Microcontroller None
Microcontroller –Needs Ethernet capability –Speed is not a concern due to the interface with humans –Overall, chose RCM 3010 for Ethernet capabilities, memory storage, and performance to cost ratio
Initially needed pins for each sensor –After midterm review, this was changed After comparing the Atmel to the Rabbit for the base station use, the Atmel was chosen for the Transmitter Module
Transmission –Ability to be used in an inhospitable environment –Ability to use different frequencies Reception –Ability to distinguish noise from actual signals –Ability to reproduce data from received signal
Detection Type –Inductive –Infrared –Ultrasonic Detection Range –Needs to be able to detect vehicles at variable distances –Needs to be confined to a predetermined area so as not to detect vehicles in other parking places
Most components will be subject to the climate of the garage –Industrial vs. Commercial Wider range vs. More cost Price of Installation –Upfront cost vs. Long-term cost Power Consumption –Slow change in environment being monitored
Monitoring parking spaces to detect occupancy –U.S. Patent #6,694,259 Using image processing to detect occupancy –U.S. Patent #6,559,776 Using a plurality of sensors to monitor multiple spaces –U.S. Patent #6,292,110 Using infrared sensors to detect occupancy –U.S. Patent #6,266,609 Using GPS coordinates to detect occupancy All could cause problems under doctrine of equivalents, while the second could be a literal infringement
Displaying parking occupancy graphically –U.S. Patent #6,662,077 Uses a GUI to display occupied storage cells –U.S. Patent #6,502,011 Uses a GUI to display information on the web The first patent could cause a problem under the doctrine of equivalents The second patent would be a literal infringement
Getting real time parking information –U.S. Patent #6,501,391 Showing real time parking information “in the form of a textual listing, a graphical map, a video image, an internet web page or similar form” This would cause a literal infringement because we show real time parking information via a textual image on an internet web page
Sensor Multiplexing –U.S. Patent #6,317,034 The ability to hook many sensor lines up to one line (to be sent to a controller) Possible infringement under the doctrine of equivalents.
Testing of Software –Ensure that the RF receiver is warmed up before sending data –Warm the receiver by sending junk bytes –Multiple transmissions of data is done to avoid collisions. –Ensure that the RF output power level is FCC approved by using appropriate resistor values. Safety Precautions –Voltage regulators get “hot” during operation, labels are placed on all such components –The IC’s are sensitive to electrostatic, care should be taken while handling such devices. – Schotky diodes are placed to protect the PCB’s from reverse polarity.
Documentation –User manual will contain instructions to install each of the specific components for expansion. –User manual will mention about parts which can become “hot” during operation –User manual will document the functions of the LED’s in each of the modules for the technician to debug.
Manufacture of PCB –PCB manufacturer’s use toxic and corrosive liquids –Improper handling of these liquids can lead to corrosion of and permeation through unprotected flooring –Circuit components contain harmful chemicals such as lead, cadmium and polychlorinated phenyls Solutions –Identify work practices and engineering changes that reduce the risks. –Minimize releases and in turn reduce liability –Recycle the boards after their use
Power consumption –Can be reduced by using the power down feature in the RF modules –Putting components that are not in use in sleep mode to reduce power consumption Shipping and Packaging –Substitute with Starchafoam, which is biodegradable –Usage of starch-packing-peanuts, which are nontoxic, water soluble and eco-friendly. –Components should be packaged properly to avoid user to come in contact with fissured IC’s and broken electrolytic capacitors.
Recycling –Recycling can recover contaminants like copper and other etched metals –Recycling reuses spent chemicals in wastewater treatment process –Recycling can recover contaminants like copper and other etched metals –Reduce waste by removing and recovering regulated materials from the printed circuit boards –The reduction of hazardous waste helps facilities to meet the requirements of waste reduction under RCRA, 40 CFR 262 and Executive Order (EO) 13148, Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management
Packaging Design Considerations Schematic Design Considerations PCB Layout Design Considerations Software design Considerations
Receiver #5 Receiver #4 Receiver #3 Receiver #2 Receiver #1 Rabbit Cat5 Cable
Sensor Transmitter Receiver Cat5 Cable connecting Sensors and Transmitter Example Floor Plan Layout: Key:
Package One : Sensor Packaging Will be mounted in front of each parking space, such that the ultrasonic sensors are directed towards the front of the car Schematic Notes : - All measurements in cm - Jack on side of box is for Cat5 cable (RJ45 connector)
Package Two : Transmitter Packaging Will house an RJ45 connection brick, the Atmel ATmega8515L, the Linx TXM-315/433-LC RF transmitter, and its own power supply (used to power Atmel, Linx, and sensors). External antenna is for RF transmission Will be mounted on post/wall of garage (many per each floor of garage) Schematic Notes : - All measurements in cm - Jacks on front of box are for Cat5 cables (RJ45 connectors)
Package Three : Receiver Packaging Will house Linx RXM-315/433-LC- S RF receiver Will be mounted on edge of garage (1 per garage floor) vertically above the Rabbit packaging Schematic Notes : - All measurements in cm - Coaxial out on front has been changed to RJ-45 out
Package Four : Rabbit Packaging Will house Rabbit 3010 and its own power supply (used to power Rabbit and RF Receiver Will be mounted directly below all of the receiver packages on ground floor of parking ramp Schematic Notes : - All measurements in cm -Jack on side of box is for Cat5 cable (RJ45 connector) - Coaxial in on front has been changed to RJ-45 in (similar to Transmitter packaging
Power Supply for Atmel & Receiver board
Transmitter Module
Receiver Module
Power Supply of Rabbit Microcontroller
Rabbit Module
No right angles on the traces Place switching traces as far away as possible Larger Power and Ground traces Placed power supply together Related components as close together as possible
Atmel Layout
Receiver Layout
Rabbit Layout
Capability to address each parking space uniquely - Assigning each transmitter a unique address - Assigning each sensor an address Reliable RF transmission protocol - No feedback from the receiver end
Rabbit Microcontroller Protocol to ensure correct transfer of data over the RF link Capability to ensure dynamic updating and display of the webpage and receive all the data from the RF link simultaneously Modularity: Capability to easily add/remove new sections of Parking Lot or new floors.
Atmel Microcontroller Sensor echo response analysis to correctly ascertain presence of a car - Analyze sensor echo pulse width to make correct conclusion Protocol to ensure correct transfer of data over the RF link - Sending extra junk bytes before actual data to warm up the RF link - Transmitting same data more than once - Transmitting checksum along with data
Atmel Microcontroller Capability to work correctly in all possible environments - A sensor not working - Removing adding sensors from the Atmel/Transmitter module Continuous running of this system
Success Criteria #1: Ability to detect the presence of a car using ultrasonic sensors –Car drives into parking spot, transmit light on transmitter turns off and back on Success Criteria #2: Ability to modularize –Can add any of the four modules to design with little installation hassle Success Criteria #3: Ability to scale up the project –Can be seen when we add an additional sensor, and also when we add an additional transmitter & sensor
Success Criteria #4: Ability to use the RF transmitter to transmit information from the microcontroller (Atmel) and use the RF receiver to receive this information and feed it to the Rabbit microprocessor for processing. –This can be seen when we pull a car into or out of a spot and see the web server update its status Success Criteria #5: Ability to transmit the available parking spaces from the Rabbit to a web server via the Ethernet module and update this information in real time. –This can be seen when we pull a car into or out of a spot and see the web server update its status
Matt Downes –Hardware Debugging –Soldering and Packaging Stephen Osborn –Atmel Coding/Debugging –RF Debugging Anup R. Daniel –Schematic –Power Supply Design Pawanjit S. Chawla –Rabbit Coding/Debugging –RF Debugging
OrCad Schematic and Layout PCB layout is critical for the success of the project PCB/Hardware debugging Interfacing with RF components Interfacing Atmel and Rabbit microprocessors
More emphasis should be placed on the PCB layout. Multiple display boards in the garage Better RF antenna solution Add repeaters for better RF range/coverage area Modify design such that is easier to troubleshoot in the field