+ WelcomeWelcome to Etiquette for Interns Vandeler Solutions This tutorial may contain material protected under copyright law. The material was obtained and used following Fair Use guidelines. This tutorial may not be reproduced.
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+ Learning Objectives Construct effective subjects Provide proper salutations Compose concise s Provide proper valedictions Develop an informative signature Vandeler Solutions
+ Etiquette Modules Menu Vandeler Solutions 1: Subjects 2: Salutations 3: Bodies 4: Valedictions 5: Signatures Learning Objectives Learning Check References
+ Subjects The subject of your provides the first impression to your audience. Your subject should briefly address the purpose of your in ten words or less. Vandeler Solutions
+ Subjects 1. If you request feedback on a project in the body of your , then the subject of your should reflect your request. 2. If you request a meeting for a project in the body of your e- mail, then the subject of your should reflect your request. Feedback Request: Anderson-Stone Project Feedback on Anderson- Stone Project Requested Anderson-Stone Project Meeting Request Meeting Request to Discuss Anderson-Stone Project Vandeler Solutions
+ Salutations The first line of an e- mail where the writer acknowledges the recipient is known as the salutation. When you write a personal to your friend, you may write “Hey!” or “Hi Javon,”. A professional salutation should include a greeting and the recipient's name. When you write a professional , the salutation shows respect to your recipient and sets the tone of the . Vandeler Solutions
+ Salutations If you have never met the recipient, use “Dear” If you have met the recipient, use “Hello,” “Good morning,” or “Good afternoon” When in doubt, use “Hello” Address all recipients by Mr., Ms., or Dr. and his or her last name Do not use someone’s first name unless he or she has explicitly told you to do so Example: “Call me Maria.” Greeting Name Vandeler Solutions
+ Bodies If you’ve never previously contacted the recipient of your , it’s important to introduce yourself in the first sentence of your first paragraph. Example: My name is Avara Durst, and I am the new intern in the Human Resources Department. Vandeler Solutions
+ Bodies Separate your ideas into paragraphs. A block of text is overwhelming. Each new idea of sub-idea will be a new paragraph. Use bulleted lists when appropriate. Introduce the list in the previous sentence. If you use bold, underlined, or italicized text, do so sparingly and with purpose. Vandeler Solutions
+ Bodies ExampleNON-example Vandeler Solutions Hello Mr. Lee, In preparation for your quarterly performance review meeting with Ms. Sampson, please prepare a summary of the following: Your specific contributions on last quarter’s projects Your expected specific contributions this quarter’s projects Task descriptions for roles that have changed or developed Questions or concerns about your team or individual performance All performance review meetings will occur the week of October 2. I will contact you to arrange the meeting next week. Thank you, Avara Hello Mr. Lee, In preparation for your quarterly performance review meeting with Ms. Sampson, please prepare a summary of the following: Your specific contributions on last quarter’s projects. Your expected specific contributions this quarter’s projects. Task descriptions for roles that have changed or developed. Questions or concerns about your team or individual performance. All performance review meetings will occur the week of October 2. I will contact you to arrange the meeting next week. Thank you, Avara
+ Bodies Example Vandeler Solutions Hello Mr. Lee, In preparation for your quarterly performance review meeting with Ms. Sampson, please prepare a summary of the following: Your specific contributions on last quarter’s projects Your expected specific contributions this quarter’s projects Task descriptions for roles that have changed or developed Questions or concerns about your team or individual performance All performance review meetings will occur the week of October 2. I will contact you to arrange the meeting next week. Thank you, Avara Correct use of italics for emphasis. Correct use of bullets and paragraphs to separate ideas.
+ Bodies NON-example Vandeler Solutions Hello Mr. Lee, In preparation for your quarterly performance review meeting with Ms. Sampson, please prepare a summary of the following: Your specific contributions on last quarter’s projects. Your expected specific contributions this quarter’s projects. Task descriptions for roles that have changed or developed. Questions or concerns about your team or individual performance. All performance review meetings will occur the week of October 2. I will contact you to arrange the meeting next week. Thank you, Avara Misuse of bold, italics, & underlining. Too much information in a small space.
+ Valedictions The final lines of an e- mail where the writer closes the and writes his or her name is known as the valediction. When you write a personal to your friend, you may write “Bye!” or “See ya’ later,”. A professional valediction should include a closing statement and the writer's name. When you write a professional , the valediction should maintain the same tone as the salutation. Vandeler Solutions
+ Valedictions Closing Suggestions: Thank you Sincerely Best wishes Best regards All the best Best Warmly Vandeler Solutions
+ Signatures In addition to signing your name in the valediction, you must also have a professional signature. A signature includes: your first and last names position title department company full postal address work phone number (with extension) address. Your signature provides all of your contact information. Vandeler Solutions
+ Signatures Example Vandeler Solutions Amir Kotb, Intern Human Resources Vandeler Solutions 806 West 9 th Street Harrisonburg, VA Phone: (443) ext. 77 Department and Company Full name and Position Full postal address Full phone number and e- mail address
+ Learning Check Exploring New Methods for Meeting Goals as a Team for Quarter The body of my talks about how my team can improve results to meet quarterly goals. Which subject is best for my e- mail? Improvement of Quarterly Goals Vandeler Solutions Click on the orange square of the best answer. Methods to Improve Goals as a Team for the Quarter
+ Learning Check Dear Felicia, You’ve never met your recipient, Felicia Luc. Which is the best salutation for your e- mail? Hi Ms. Luc, Vandeler Solutions Click on the orange square of the best answer. Dear Ms. Luc,
+ Learning Check Meeting tomorrow 2:00 PM. Not next Thursday. Bring information on progress of Anderson-Stone project. In the body of your e- mail, which sentences are best? Don’t forget! We will meet tomorrow at 2:00 PM instead of next Thursday. Bring lots of info. about the Anderson- Stone project. Vandeler Solutions Click on the orange square of the best answer. We will meet tomorrow at 2:00 PM instead of next Thursday. Please arrive prepared with insights on the progress of Anderson-Stone project.
+ Learning Check Thanks! You’ve never met your recipient, Felicia Luc. You asked her to provide some information that you’ll use in a presentation. Which is the best valediction for your e- mail? Thank you, YourFirstName Vandeler Solutions Click on the orange square of the best answer. Warmest regards, YourFirstName
+ Learning Check Which signature is the most informative and complete? James Atwell Finance Director Vandeler Solutions 806 W. 9 th Street Harrisonburg, VA Phone: Vandeler Solutions Click on the orange square of the best answer. James Atwell Finance Director Vandeler Solutions 806 W. 9 th St. Harrisonburg, VA Phone: (443) James Atwell Finance Director Vandeler Solutions 806 West 9 th St. VA Phone:
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