Chesapeake Bay Watershed Eco Tour Overview Wholeness for Humanity Greg Drury Director, Wholeness for Humanity Administrator, Chesapeake Bioneers tel:
2 National Bioneers Mission To disseminate environmental solutions and strategies to national and global audiences to educate, inspire and equip individuals, groups, companies and institutions toward effective action to restore the Earth and her peoples To develop and spread model economic strategies for ecological agriculture, environmental restoration and community self reliance that conserve biological and cultural diversity, and strengthen traditional, indigenous and restorative farming practices To promote understanding of the human-nature relationship and revitalize our cultural and spiritual connection with the natural world
3 Goals of the Eco Tour Engage the public Encourage “green” behaviors Create synergy among participants Duplicate in other watersheds
4 Messages and Themes Environmental gardening and lawn care Alternative transportation Public health Healthy lifestyles for a healthy environment
5 Educational Entertainment Skits followed by Q&A’s Environmental gardening and lawn care Protect Children Bike to work, shop and travel Recognition of public health threats More to come
6 Making it Happen Proposed towns to visit Timelines for tour logistics Building the partner base Planned events How volunteers can help
Stops and Stagestotal milesdays mi/day Glimmerglass state park, NY Cooperstown, NY Oneonta, NY Scranton, PA Wilkes-Barre, PA Glimmerglass to Wilkes-Barre Hazleton, PA Pottsville, PA Harrisburg, PA Wilkes-Barre to Harrisburg Lancaster, PA Baltimore, MD Harrisburg to Baltimore Annapolis, MD Baltimore to Annapolis30.61 Salisbury, MD Cape Charles, VA Virginia Beach, VA Annapolis to Virginia Beach Total miles and days Subject to change
8 Timeline for Tour Logistics Tour operator selected (9/06) Participating schools, town meetings, garden centers (3/07) Registration package completed (6/07) Educational Entertainment Performances (ongoing )
9 Planned Events Pogo Organic Farm kickoff (07/22/06) Service event, Baltimore Co., MD (9/2/06) Anacostia bike and river ride (10/07/06) GreenFest (10/14-15/06) UDC Conference (10/20-22/06) City of Annapolis Eco Tour (Spring 2007) Chesapeake Bay Watershed Eco Tour (09/07)
10 How Volunteers Can Help Recruiting partners In-kind support Organizing and promoting events
11 Do the same in other watersheds in 2008 Great Lakes Ecosystem Gulf of Mexico Long Island Sound South Florida Ecosystem Puget Sound Basin
12 Event Organizer and Partners Tour Coordinator Greg Drury, Director, Wholeness for Humanity dedicated to increasing accessibility to holistic health, environmental stewardship, social justice, and peace Partners Pogo Organics, Beneficial MicroOrganisms U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington Area Bicyclist Association Flexcar City of Annapolis More to come