April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 1 SLA Pharma & Health Technology Spring Meeting 2011 The P-D-R Blueprint for an Ideal Corporate Information Center (ICIC) presented by Henning P. Nielsen President of the P-D-R, Director Novo Nordisk Library
The Blueprint work is a Joint Undertaking of Michael Archer (AstraZeneca) Carmen Burkhardt (Novartis) Jeannette Ginestet (Sanofi Aventis) Henning Nielsen (Novo Nordisk) Oliver Renn (Boehringer Ingelheim) Joanna Woodward (Pfizer) and will soon be a P-D-R publication
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 3 Why a Blueprint for a ICIC? Target Group Information Professionals Managers Senior Management Stakeholders
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 4 What would a CIC ideally do? << 10 years << 1 billion $ Enable creativityFoster innovation Drugs to market Innovation is fostered by information and knowledge
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 5 How should an CIC be built?
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 6 Components of an CIC Information Access 1. Information Acquisition & Vendor Relations 2. Information & Library Services 3. Community Management Information Research 4. Awareness &Training 5. Information Consulting 6. Information Retrieval & Analysis 7. News Intelligence 8. Text Analytics 9. Knowledge Discovery Information Technology 10. Technical Information Management 11. Information Technology & Informatics Knowledge Management 12. Knowledge Management Services
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 7 Information Access 1. Information Acquisition & Vendor Relations 2. Information & Library Services 3. Community Management Three core elements ensure that the content that drives a corporations R&D business can be acquired – by providing adequate funding and technical infrastructure – and disseminated to meet the companys specific needs. Information access is the foundation for getting business critical R&D processes right.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 8 1. Information Acquisition & Vendor Relations Having access to the most relevant and recent information with minimal information overload is a clear competitive advantage for any knowledge worker in a corporatre environment and subsequently for the corporation. procurement and licensing of externally published information resources with procurement including information audits identification and prioritization of user needs content and vendor evaluations access management ongoing contract and strategic vendor relationship management, including development of partnerships
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 9 2. Information & Library Services The function ensures that the company draws the full benefit from licensed materials through collection management and information organization and dissemination. Copyright compliance ensures legitimate use of collection. Enable access, via front line technologies, to licensed resources and to information delivery services for all remaining information needs Organize, index, and tag the accessible information in order to facilitate information retrieval and dissemination into the organization and ideally into the individual workflow of the individual users Act as the front line on copyright compliance Collect feedback from clients and analysis of usage statistics for renewal process Provide consultancy to the organisation in information structuring and dissemination
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Community Management Vital importance that CIC shows its value, by marketing the function and focusing on the benefits Stakeholder management Communication strategy Branding, marketing of information resources and services Communicates ROI and help justify budgets
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 11 Information Research While Information Access is providing the foundation for the successful use of information - Information Research ensures that the Dollars and Euros spent on information and information access have multiple returns, by supporting innovation across the corporation and by saving expenditures in all customer areas. This is done both by reaching out to the knowledge worker, the CICs clients, by understanding their business needs and providing the value added services rangng from individual consultancy to highly customized analytical information solutions and services.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 12 Information Research We descibe the areas with 6 core functions: 4. Awareness &Training 5. Information Consulting 6. Information Retrieval & Analysis 7. News Intelligence 8. Text Analytics 9. Knowledge Discovery
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Awareness & Training Information access is the vital resource of all knowledge workers and should be implemented in the workflow of these and effective use of the resources supported by training and awareness schemes. Ensures knowledge about available resources and their use is disseminated to all relevant employees. Supports the self sufficiency of users and their effective use of the resources licensed.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Information Consulting Today it is impossible for end-users to both to have a total overview of the information market and to familiarize with the increasing number of databases and sources which are continuously receiving additional functionalities. Hence it is important to have an expert function which Is familiar with all licensed and free information resources and solutions, crucial for portfolio management Focuses on supporting end users with a particular information issue to solve Advices on use of information resources and tools in field of expertise
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Information Retrieval & Analysis Business critical as work is supporting decision making, is adding competitive advantage, and last but not least addresses information overflow. Supports decision-making and provide intelligence support for Patents, R&D, Medical, Marketing, Business, Management, and Production, which need reliable retrieval of virtually all published information around a query (Patents) Secures professional expert search and retrieval in areas where particular knowledge about the where and how to retrieve requested information is required Applies the necessary different analytical levels to present the results according to user needs.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting News Intelligence Business critical need for a function that provides relevant business and scientific news targeting the corporation as a whole or specific communities in a corporation. Responsible for the global and concurrent surveillance, dissemination of news in media on a broad scale relating to the corporation, its competitors, its business areas, and other issues representing threats or opportunities evaluation and analysis (media impact, trends, etc)
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Text Analytics The exponential growth of textual information available - structured or unstructured – is impossible to manage by reading. Text Analytics provide tools that allow knowledge discovery through mining and visualization of vast amounts of text. The function needs to be a framework for text analytics This includes software (commercial and/or open source tools) as well as the infrastructure (hardware for running the software, the queries and the storage of the information that is indexed and annotated for analyses) Mining the textual content of the web in addition to proprietary and licensed resources Helps solving scientific questions
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Knowledge Discovery Exponential growth of structured (and unstructured) database information. These data are mainly in-house but needs integration with external data. Knowledge inside these data silos must be made available for exploration and knowledge discovery. Provides a framework for data mining, including preparation of data as well as analysis of mining results Delivers tools that optimize database access, i.e. searching, browsing, organizing, and reporting scientific information Provides visualization tools Coordinates any alliances and external co operations, especially in a pre-competitive environment
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 19 Information Technology 10. Technical Information Management 11. Information Technology & Informatics Todays CIC can only be successful and maximize the return on investment of each spent Dollar or Euro when a state- of-the-art information architecture is supporting their solution and services and allows precise integration in the workflow of the knowledge workers.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Technical Information Management The companys ability to manage and use information effectively is a key factor in determining how well a company can deal with complexity. provide a framework for IM, both in a technical approach (together with colleagues from IT) and by defining processes and workflows for data and information handling provide corporate-wide definitions and values, taxonomies and/or ontologies responsible for designing information management systems (conceptual design of full-text linking services, document delivery systems, e-resources systems, rights management systems, role-based personalization of services)
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Information Technology & Informatics The CIC relies upon the smooth functionality of its information services and the availability and dissemination of published content to its clients. Responsible for support of IT solutions required to operate the CICs products and services Required to proactively drive technology improvements to enhance the functionality and dissemination of information. Recommend new technology and devices through pilot programs
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 22 Knowledge Management The three pillars - Information Access - Information Research - Information Technology is the foundation for - Information Management and when interconnected, fully utilized and transformed into an indispensable and business critical function which can also described with the broader term - Knowledge Management.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Knowledge Management Services The success of a pharmaceutical company is based on knowledge, on druggable targets, on how to develop and optimize a compound for first clinical trials, on how to conduct the clinical development until submission, on how the peer review information is transformed into marketing Defined as a concept, rather than a function, that involves the creative combination of disparate sources of knowledge both internal and external Establishing the total knowledge bank of the organization, including tacit knowledge Facilitating knowledge sharing and exchange
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 24 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (Aristoteles) Altogether the 12 core elements constitute the ART of Information / iART (information Access, Research and Technology) and brought together in the right way it is identical to Knowledge Management (KM): iART = KM
The CIC within the corporation How do we ensure: that CIC has adequate management support, its potentials are fully understood, and financed accordingly?
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting 26 1.Reporting line of the CIC Today, the majority (60%) of pharmaceutical information centres report into the R&D function, of the rest some 20% report into IT and 20% report to other corporate services – with frequent changes In principle, reporting into any specific customer area when serving the whole company is problematic. To secure business driven prioritization of budget a central corporate function reporting line should be the ideal. But the further you remove the IM from core customer areas, the more you might see a decreasing understanding of needs Reporting into IT seems logical being a parallell corporate functions. Experience shos, that technology takes over and IM becomes an IT driven function alone. The ideal reporting must be at a high level reflecting the value of information in a research organization reporting to a board level chief information officer who understands all aspects of information management.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Organizational model of the CIC Information Acquisition & Vendor Relations Technical Information Management Knowledge Management Services Information & Library Services Text Analytics Knowledge Discovery Community Management Awareness & Training Information Consulting Retrieval & Analytics News Intelligence Information Technology & Informatics
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Organizational model of the CIC Information Acquisition & Vendor Relations Technical Information Management Knowledge Management Information & Library Services Text Analytics Knowledge Discovery Community Management Awareness & Training Information Consulting Expert Searches, Information Retrieval & Analytics Information Technology & Informatics Information Acquisition & Vendor Relations Technical Information Management Knowledge Management Services Information & Library Services Text Analytics Knowledge Discovery Community Management Awareness & Training Information Consulting Expert Searches, Information Retrieval & Analytics News Intelligence Information Technology & Informatics
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Organizational model of the CIC Information science is one of the most developing and changing professions and the CIC is today managing business processes that need constant rethinking and innovation. There are many ways to organize the twelve components constituting a ICIC. There are quite often strong dependencies and even overlaps between these components. Hence all twelve components should ideally be combined/coordinated/managed in one organizational unit. It is a clear advantage to work it through a matrix structure allowing a flexible and agile organization in a globalised environment, where the cross organisational viewpoint of a CIC can guarantee the right priorities.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Budgeting ? Ideal way of budgeting: Financed centrally with no individual back charging. This prevents the organisation from missed opportunities due to low priorities of costly information locally. But how do you secure the business need perspective, and how do you educat users in knowing that information costs! (isnt this free on the internet). Prices of many information resources are based on the number of employees in a company so the budget could be made dependant on numbers: professional employees - or R&D employees if preferred. Another way of arriving at an information budget would be as a percentage of total spend, or total spend on R&D. Charge back budgetting is done at different levels in corporations today. Often there is a combination of central funding and charging. The issue will always be how cost effective any of the models are.
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Budgeting ? In summary: The Ideal Corporate Information Centre should have a fixed budget based on a clear information strategy aligned with the company strategy a thorough, concurrent audit/assessment process of the changing needs in the corporation and the development of the information industry This budget should be used to purchase information in the most cost efficient way, deliver core services adding key value to this There should be overall reporting on performance on CIC with key performance indicators to key stakeholders
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting Physical space? Do wee need it? – Yes and No! No: Contents and services need to be embedded in the workflows of users, not on shelves Yes: The physical space is where the user interaction with information resources, information scientists, specialists, librarians take place On screens – individual desktops, devices - as well as visualising the information resources and services in the physical environment of users Knowledge centres User training Innovation spaces
April 12, 2011Nielsen - SLA PHT Division Spring Meeting RoIe of a CIC Harvard University Chemistry Professor Frank Westheimers discovery: A month in the laboratory can often save an hour in the library - is even more true in this time of the electronic Knowledge Center. The cost of not having access to information for a research-based company can not be measured.
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