Mathieu Paquerot & Anne Queffelec Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle1
Work in team Define and implement a strategy Elaborate reporting Elaborate previsions Négociate with stakeholders Crises Management Present your results to your shareholders Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle2
Identify the competences of all the members of the team Put in place an organization that communicate and avoid the conflicts Control decision and monitore decision You need at least ◦ A manager ◦ A financial manager ◦ A cost controler ◦ A marketing manager Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle3
Some decisions to give on time The manager give the decision He checks the datas He takes the decisions in case there is some lacks Some challenges to give back, in the same time than decisions Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle4
Organization Strategy Finance Marketing Cost control Negociation A good decision needs all these fields Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle5
You need to implement a strategy It means you need to give some strategic objectives Explain how to measure you criteria Define the critical path Define the role of each member of the team Make the adjustments required Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle6
7 Making some mistakes is human Making the same mistakes is silly
You need to build the tools of reporting ◦ You have to make a selection of the information ◦ You have to mesure the effects of you decisions ◦ You have to mesure your performances Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle8
You can buy some studies in order to evaluate : ◦ Your employees’ satisfacton ◦ Your customers’ satisfaction ◦ The concurrency ◦ The global activity Without any studies, you are blind Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle9
10 Avoid making holes beleiving saving money
You must be able to make some decisions in order to : Plan your actions in a competitive environement Plan your resources allocations (staff, budgets,…) Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle11
You have to analyse these differences You have to identify the differences You have to andestand your performances in order to improve it Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle12
Customers Employees Sharholders Bankers And others stakeholders… Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle13
Understand what the other wants Get the informations in order to answer quickly (what price ? How much do I earn ? How much do we need ? Send the good signals (about what you are, your competences, you management,…) Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle14
Your company A resort with 400 rooms Some land available to improve your capacity and your facilities Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle15
TO Individuals (walk in) Internet discount site customers Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle16
5 firms in competition on the same place They compete on ◦ The employement market ◦ The market of individuals ◦ The market ot tour operator Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle17
Staff Wages Mix marketing investment Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle18
You have to equilibrate your profitability Optimize you results Organize your competitive strikes Structure the development of your resort Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle19
The employees’ satisfaction influence The satisfaction of your customers And this impact your rate of booking And the profitability of your company. Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle20
Your mind The group dynamic The courses of : ◦ Finance ◦ Marketing ◦ Human resources ◦ Management ◦ organization ◦ … Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle21
Respect decision timing… or you will lose some money The team has to control the decision before to give it back The leader has to be able to take decisions quickly if necessary Simulation LM - ESC La Rochelle22