KINETIC THEORY AND MICRO/NANOFLUDICS Kinetic Description of Dilute Gases Transport Equations and Properties of Ideal Gases The Boltzmann Transport Equation Micro/Nanofludics and Heat Transfer
Kinetic Description of Dilute Gases simple kinetic theory of ideal molecular gases limited to local equilibrium based on the mean-free-path approximation Hypotheses and Assumptions molecular hypothesis ▪ matter: composition of small discrete particles ▪ a large number of particles in any macroscopic volume (27×106 molecules in 1-mm3 at 25ºC and 1 atm) statistic hypothesis ▪ long time laps: longer than mean-free time or relaxation time ▪ time average
kinetic hypothesis ▪ laws of classical mechanics: Newton’s law of motion molecular chaos ▪ velocity and position of a particle: uncorrelated (phase space) ▪ velocity of any two particles: uncorrelated ideal gas assumptions ▪ molecules: widely separated rigid spheres ▪ elastic collision: energy and momentum conserved ▪ negligible intermolecular forces except during collisions ▪ duration of collision (collision time) << mean free time ▪ no collision with more than two particles
Distribution Function : particle number density in the phase space at any time ▪ number of particles in a volume element of the phase space in ▪ number of particles per unit volume (integration over the velocity space)
density: ▪ total number of particles in the volume V In a thermodynamic equilibrium state, the distribution function does not vary with time and space.
Local Average and Flux : additive property of a single molecule such as kinetic energy and momentum ▪ local average or simply average (average over the velocity space) ▪ ensemble average (average over the phase space)
▪ flux of y : transfer of y across an area element dA per unit time dt per unit area number of particles with velocities between and that passes through the area dA in the time interval dt dA vdt q dt is so small that particle collisions can be neglected. flux of y within total flux of y :
▪ particle flux: In an equilibrium state For an ideal gas: Maxwell’s velocity distribution
▪ average speed For an ideal gas: Maxwell’s velocity distribution ▪ mass flux
▪ kinetic energy flux ▪ momentum flux
average distance between two subsequent collisions for a gas molecule. The Mean Free Path Mean Free Path : average distance between two subsequent collisions for a gas molecule. m0 m1 m1 m2 Let’s talk about second subject, “the mean free path”. The mean free path is very important concept and defined as the average distance ----------------------. At first, let’s assume that a particle of diameter d moves at an average velocity v bar and all other particles are at rest. As you can see, I described respectively some situations that a particle makes a collision. If these situations are normalized through arrangement of particles’ center-lines, we can imagine the area where collisions could be happened. Mean Free Path d 2d 11 11
ndV particles will collide with the moving particle. During a time interval dt, the volume swept by moving particle is dV=---------. ndV particles will ----------------------------. Therefore the number of ------------------------. We can call it also frequency. The mean free path 람다 is a kind of length so we can obtain the mean free path by multiply the average velocity by time between two subsequent collisions 타우. It only depends on the particle size and the number density. 타우 is the inverse of the frequency of collision. It is also called a relaxation time. number of collisions per unit time : (frequency) 12 12
relative movement of particles magnitude of the relative velocity : Now let’s think about relative movement of particles. In previous pages, we assumed all particles are stuck except a moving particle. But actually, all particles are moving and make collisions. That’s why we should consider relative movement of particles. Particles are moving at random, so we should try to obtain the relative velocity between 2 particles. This figure describes the vector of relative velocity. That is the way how to obtain the magnitude of the relative velocity. That is a root of inner product of relative velocities. The average of relative velocity could be calculated like that. And this average value should be zero because velocities are random and uncorrelated. So we can obtain the relation between the average relative velocity and the average velocity. Since and are random and uncorrelated, 13
relative movement of particles - Ideal gas So there is the mean free path of moving particles. If it is a ideal gas, the mean free path could be modified slightly like this and it is based on the Maxwell velocity distribution. : based on the Maxwell velocity distribution 14 14
: probability that a molecule travels at least x between collisions Probability for the particle to collide within an element distance dx : Because particles are too hard to observe their movement, It is necessary to talk about free path by using probability. Let’s p 크시 is probability ------------. And we can say it is probability for the ----------. And there is a equation. The left one means probability to-------- as I told you before. And look at the right part. This part means probabilty not to collide ---------. And this whole right one means probability no to -------. Therefore, the both meanings are same. probability not to collide within dx probability to travel at least x + dx between collision probability not to collide within x + dx 15 15
Probability density function (PDF) : Through the equation, we can see the quantity of increment for p 크시, -d 크시 over capital 람다. Integrating from 0 to 크시, it is given by like this. So we can express The probability density function for the free path like this. Probability density function (PDF) : 16 16
is the mean free-path PDF. We can obtain this one because the integrating of PDF is always 1. And if we use the local average which we studied several previous pages, the average of free paths is obtained. There is a integration process, and the solution is capital 람다. It means f 크시 -----------. is the mean free-path PDF. 17 17
: probability for molecules to have a free path less than x The probability for molecules to have a free path less than 크시 is given as this and this figure shows that. And there is a relation with p less than 크시 and p 크시. Free-path distribution functions 18 18
Transport Eqs and Properties of Ideal Gases Average Collision Distance Molecular gas at steady state (Local equilibrium) Average collision distance dAcosq : projected area x: coordinate along gradient Lcosq : average projected length
Shear Force and Viscosity Momentum exchange between upper layer and lower layer Average momentum of particles Momentum flux across y0 plane Velocity in y direction Flow direction, x
Net momentum flux : Shear force Dynamic viscosity : Order-of-magnitude estimate weak dependence on pressure Dynamic viscosity from more detailed calculation and experiments Simple ideal gas model → Rigid-elastic-sphere model
Heat Diffusion Thermal energy transfer Molecular random motion → Net energy flux across x0 plane Temperature, T x direction
Heat flux Thermal conductivity T dependence
Same Laof momentum transport & energy transfer Thermal conductivity versus Dynamic viscosity < Tabulated values for real gases Same Laof momentum transport & energy transfer Eucken’s formula: Gas T(K) Pr (Eq.) Pr (Exp.) Air 273.2 0.74 0.73 ≈ Tabulated values for real gases Monatomic gas Diatomic gas
Mass Diffusion Fick’s law nA(x) nB(x) x direction Gas A nA = n nB = 0 Gas B nA = 0 nB = n nA(x) nB(x) x direction
Uniform P Net molecular flux Diffusion coefficient
Rigid-elastic-sphere model → Not actual collision process Intermolecular Forces Rigid-elastic-sphere model → Not actual collision process Attractive force (Van der Waals force) Fluctuating dipoles in two molecules Repulsive force Overlap of electronic orbits in atoms Intermolecular potential Empirical expression (Lennard-Jones) Repulsive Attractive Intermolecular potential, φ
Force between molecules Newton’s law of motion for each molecule Computer simulation of the trajectory of each molecule Molecular dynamic is a powerful tool for dense phases, phase change → Not good for dilute gas → Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
Thermal Conductivity L : mean free path [m] u : energy density of particles [J/m3] : characteristic velocity of particles [m/s] z +Lz L z z - Lz heat flux in the z-direction Taylor series expansion and
Averaging over the whole hemisphere of solid angle 2
Assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium: u is a function of temperature Fourier law of heat conduction First term : lattice contribution Second term : electron contribution
The Boltzmann Transport Equation Volume element in phase space Without collision, same number of particles in
Liouville equation In the absence of collision and body force
With collisions, Boltzmann transport equation : number of particles that join the group in as a result of collisions : number of particles lost to the group as a result of collisions : scattering probability the fraction of particles with a velocity that will change their velocity to per unit time due to collision
Relaxation time approximation under conditions not too far from the equilibrium f0 : equilibrium distribution t : relaxation time
Hydrodynamic Equations The continuity, momentum and energy equations can be derived from the BTE The first term local average The second term
Since velocity components are independent variables in the phase space,
The third term Integrating by parts
Continuity equation When : bulk velocity, : random velocity
Momentum equation When : shear stress
combination of all terms
applying the mass balance equation
Energy equation : only random motion contributes to the internal energy u: mass specific internal energy : energy flux vector
using the continuity equation
Fourier’s Law and Thermal conductivity BTE under RTA Assume that the temperature gradient is in the only x-direction, medium is stationary local average velocity is zero, distribution function with x only at a steady state If not very far away from equilibrium
heat flux in the x direction : 1-D Fourier’s law Under local-equilibrium assumption and applying the RTA : 3-D Fourier’s law
Micro/Nanofluidics and Heat Transfer Microdevices involving fluid flow : microsensors, actuators, valves, heat pipes and microducts used in heat engines and heat exchangers Biomedical diagnosis (Lab-on-a-chip), drug delivery, MEMS/NEMS sensors, actuators, micropump for ink-jetprinting, microchannel heat sinks for electronic cooling Fluid flow inside nanostructures, such as nanotubes and nanojet
The Knudsen Number and Flow Regimes ratio of the mean free path to the characteristic length Knudsen number relation with Mach number and Reynolds number g : ratio of specific heat
Flow Regimes based on the Knudsen Number Rarefaction or Continuum Flow Regimes based on the Knudsen Number Regime Method of calculation Kn range Continuum Navier-stokes and energy equation with no-slip /no-jump boundary conditions Slip flow Navier-stokes and energy equation with slip /jump boundary conditions/DSMC Transition BTE, DSMC Free molecule
Flow regimes centerline Velocity profiles Temperature profiles 1 3 2 Velocity profiles Temperature profiles Continuum flow (Kn < 0.001) The Navier-Stokes eqs. are applicable. The velocity of flow at the boundary is the same as that of the wall The temperature of flow near the wall is the same as the surface temperature. Conventionally, the flow can be assumed compressibility. If Ma < 0.3, the flow can be assumed incompressible. Consider compressibility : pressure change, density change
2. Slip flow (0.001 < Kn < 0.1) centerline 1 3 2 Velocity profiles Temperature profiles 2. Slip flow (0.001 < Kn < 0.1) Non-continuum boundary condition must be applied. The velocity of fluid at the wall is not the same as that of the wall (velocity slip). The temperature of fluid near the wall is not the same as that of the wall (temperature jump).
3. Free molecule flow (Kn > 10) centerline 1 3 2 Velocity profiles Temperature profiles 3. Free molecule flow (Kn > 10) The continuum assumption breaks down. The “slip” velocity is the same as the velocity of the mainstream. The temperature of fluid is all the same : no gradient exists The BTE or the DSMC, are the best to solve problems in this regime.
Velocity Slip and Temperature Jump Tangential momentum (or velocity): The same Normal momentum(or velocity): Reversed No shear force or friction between the gas and the wall tangential normal wall Specular reflection
For diffuse reflection, the molecule is in mutual equilibrium with the wall. For a stream of molecule, the reflected molecules follow the Maxwell velocity distribution at the wall temperature. Diffuse reflection
Momentum accommodation coefficient tangential components normal components i: incident, r: reflected w: MVD corresponding to Tw For specular reflection For diffuse reflection
Thermal accommodation coefficient For specular reflection For diffuse reflection For monatomic molecules, aT involves translational kinetic energy only which is proportional to the temperature (K).
For polyatomic molecules Translational, rotational, vibrational degrees Lack of information: neglect those degrees of freedom Air-aluminum & air-steel: He gas-clean metallic (almost the specular reflection) Most surface-air N2 , Ar, CO2 in silicon micro channel
Velocity slip boundary condition Temperature jump boundary condition
Poiseuille flow When Kn = L/2H < 0.1 Assume that W >> 2H, edge effect can be neglected. incompressible and fully developed with constant properties
Navier-Stokes equations fully developed flow Let or Velocity slip boundary condition
neglecting thermal creep Let The symmetry condition
bulk velocity
velocity distribution in dimensionless form Define the velocity slip ratio : the ratio of the velocity of the fluid at the wall to the bulk velocity velocity distribution in terms of slip ratio 64
Energy equation thermally fully developed condition with constant wall heat flux temperature jump boundary condition
Let The symmetry condition
dimensionless temperature By boundary condition : temperature-jump distance bulk temperature
integration by parts
Nusselt number
Poiseuille flow Poiseuille flow with one of the plate being insulated circular tube of inner diameter D
Gas Conduction-from the Continuum to the Free Molecule Regime Heat conduction between two parallel surfaces filled with ideal gases diffusion jump Free molecule When Kn = L/L << 1, diffusion regime
effective mean temperature and distribution When Kn = L/L >> 1, free molecule regime Assume that aT are the same at both walls. effective mean temperature net heat flux
For intermediate values of Kn,