Rooms Division 1 Yarmouk University- Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Rooms Division 1 – Accounting Fundamentals Page 1 of 7 Furat Almuhaisen,April 2012
Individual ReservationGroup Reservation -Reservation Department- Sales Department - Usually one person calls to reserve for himself / herself - Usually one person reserves for the whole members of the group (Group representative, Group leader, Member of the travel agency / Tour operator…) - One Reservation record for each potential guest - One Reservation rerecord for the whole group - One Guest Folio for each potential guest opened as part of the pre-registration process - One Master Folio for the whole group opened as part of the pre-registration process - Higher price assigned for room- Low price assigned for room - Upon matching room inquiry with room availability, reservation agent reserves a room - Upon signature of allotment contract, first block rooms needed. Later, upon receipt of Final List by Cut-off date, deblock the block, reserve for those rooms conveyed in the List and release the remaining for sale. - Reservations can be either Guaranteed or Non-guaranteed. - Reservations are usually on a Guaranteed basis.
State of Occupancy Occupied–Applies to a room that has been assigned to a guest and the guest has checked in. Vacant–The guest has checked out of the room. Ready–Room is available for new occupancy.
A planned process to modify knowledge through learning experiences to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities.
- - The Telling Method - - The Showing Method - - The Doing method.
The telling methods: includes lectures, readings, discussions and tests. This is the best way to improve the knowledge of the trainee. The showing method: Demonstration, including those on video as well as in person. The doing method: it’s a combination of the telling and showing methods, it involves
There are 4 major principle of good service that need to be applied in the rooms division department: 1: Immediate recognition 2: Mind set(being prepared to do, wanting to do) 3: Guest oriented procedures. 4: Constant assistance.
Immediate recognition means: As soon as a guest approaches the front desk an is seen by on of the staff he or she should be recognized. - Mind set : refers to the attitude that the front desk or any rooms division staff has towards his/ her guests.
For a hotel to achieve excellence in hospitality, many guest relation skills be learned by the employees who will be delivering the service Eleven basic skills of hospitality will serve as a beginning to achieve this excellence.
1: Smiling: help to create friendly atmosphere Guest who meet or greeted by a smile find a difficulty in responding negatively. ((We re glad you are here)) 2: Telephone etiquette: The telephone should be answered as quickly as possible, certainly by the third ring, no one like to be on hold but if necessary the guest should be thanked for waiting
3: Attention: providing attention to the guest is enhanced by the little extras in guest interaction, for example, when guests return to the hotel at the end of the day they should be welcomed back, small details may affect the sales. 4: positive endings: please stay with us a gain and have a nice trip home. Enjoy the rest of your vacation, make sure that the guest will leave with a smile, esp on the check out process.
5: Follow through: The initial follow through comes after check in process. After the guest is roomed, the front disk can call the room to see if every thing is satisfactory Also a follow up call should be made after any problems are reported to ensure that the guest has been pleased with the service. 6- Assistance 7- positive attitude 8- humer 9- positive decision.
* Guests are always right * Its very important to apply some rules to handle guests complains, the aim is take the chance of turning the complaining guest into a permanent repeat guest for the hotel.
- 1: Never argue with a guest who is complaining because, assume he or she is correct. - 2: Always listen with undivided attention to what guest is complaining about, remember that the guest feel that he or she is right. - 3: try to put your self in the guest place, how would you feel be objective and understanding.
4: Never raise your voice or yell at the guest, so be pleasant. 5: be objective and get all of the facts. 6: when the guest is correct, tell him or her that you and the hotel will correct the situation at once 7: Show the guest that you are concerned about the situation and that you are not taking it lightly. 8: when the guest is very loud and you feel the situation is of a private nature move the guest to a location that is out of hearing range of other guests.
9: if the guest is wrong and there is a policy for the hotel tell him with pleasant that the policy of hotel is,…. Such as check out time. 10: in case of accidents or theft, employees should never ever accept the responsibility on behalf of the hotel, a manager is the only person who should handle these matters. 11: be always polite, you can use,………against the guest if there is any argument.