Density: 1599, from L. densus "thick, crowded.” Less denseMore dense -physical property of a substance that describes the degree of compactness of a substance
Less denseMore dense
Less denseMore dense
Calculating density: Density = mass / volume D= m/v Find density of a ball of aluminum that has volume of 32.4 mL and mass of grams. Find density of a ball of gold that has mass of 38.6 grams and volume of 2 mL. Which is more dense aluminum or gold?
Stratify [strat-uh-fahy] verb : to form or place in layers; to lay in beds or layers
SINK OR FLOAT? What pattern do you see for those objects that are less dense than water and those that have more density than water?
Density is affected by temperature. Water density decreases as temperature increases and vice versa. 15 °C20 °C
Why does density matter?
Liquid Layer Lab 1.Problem statement: How do the liquids layer? Why? 2.Pre-observations (sight, smell, squirt) 3.Hypothesis statement (if,then) 4.Materials 5.Procedure 6.Results (Use data table sheet) 7.Conclusion Demonstration
ColorLiquidDensity (g/mL) RedRubbing alcohol0.78 YellowWater1.0 GreenSaltwater1.02 BlueGlycerin1.2
Problem: Do coke and diet coke have different densities? Will they differ in stratifying? Pre-observations: find mass and volume of each and calculate density. Hypothesis Materials Procedure Results Conclusion