NSDI Future Directions Initiative Towards a National Geospatial Strategy and Implementation Plan Ivan B. DeLoatch FGDC Staff Director
2 Acknowledgements Future Directions Planning Team Coordination Group Members Various Partner Organizations Writing Team
3 Future Directions Initiative Purpose: Draft a National Geospatial Strategy for the further development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Product: A Plan of Action for the FGDC and the geospatial community
4 Drivers Revised OMB Circular A-16 (2002) E-Government Act 2002 (Section 216) President’s Management Agenda Proposed Legislation GAO Reports
5 Background : NRC Reports suggest creation of the NSDI 1994: First strategic plan for NSDI 1994: EO : Strategic Plan updated 2000: Design Study Team Report
6 Project Milestones Framed Project & Organized Team Conducted Activities & Collected Data Drafted & Finalized Report Drafted Action Plans to Support Implementation of Goals Report Results to Steering Committee
7 Methodologies Focus Groups & Forums Interviews Workshops Visioning Sessions Document Preparation & Review
8 Consistent Messages Define national goals Improve FGDC coordination Redefine the structure of the FGDC Make framework real Support implementation with training and education Implement revised OMB Circular A-16 Leverage resources through partnerships Define relationship among FGDC, The National Map and GOS
9 Action Areas Forging Partnerships with Purpose Making Framework Real Communicating the Message A geospatial strategy for the nation
10 Forging Partnerships With Purpose Goal: By 2010, a governance structure that includes representatives of all stakeholder groups guides the development of the NSDI.
11 Objectives 1.By 2005, options for restructuring the FGDC to make it more effective and inclusive are identified, evaluated and acted upon. 2.By 2005, agreements are in place to facilitate participation of the private sector and utility industry in building the NSDI. 3.By 2007, twenty tribes are engaged and contributing to the development of the NSDI. 4.By 2007, over fifty state/territory coordinating councils are in place and routinely contributing to the governance of the NSDI. 5.By 2008, ten non-geospatial national organizations are engaged in and contributing to the NSDI.
12 Making Framework Real Goal: By 2010, nationally coordinated programs that include collection, documentation, access, and utilization of data are in place for generating the framework data themes.
13 Objectives 1.By 2005, American National Standards (ANS) for framework data themes are approved, adopted, and implemented. 2.By 2006, FGDC member organizations use FGDC accepted metadata standards and publish to the Geospatial One-Stop portal. 3.By 2006, consensus-based standards and Web protocols for access to framework data are adopted and used by Federal, state and local agencies. 4.By 2007, 50 percent of the 133 urban areas have data for all framework themes. 5.By 2008, American National Standards (ANS) for additional data themes of national significance as identified in revised OMB Circular A-16 are adopted by Federal departments and independent agencies.
14 Communicating the Message Goal: By 2010, the NSDI is recognized across the nation as the primary mechanism for assuring access to reliable geospatial data.
15 Objectives 1.By 2005, a comprehensive business case that demonstrates the value of geographic data to government, business and academia is compiled and articulated. 2.By 2005, a strategic communications plan is developed and implemented. 3.By 2006, training and education programs are in place to support implementation of framework standards and national initiatives to develop the NSDI.
16 FGDC Next Steps Mobilize for Implementation 1.Select Action Teams 2.Develop Project Plans 3.Develop Monitoring System
17 Steering Committee Actions 1.Endorse goals and objectives as outlined for a national geospatial strategy. 2.Renew the commitment of departments and independent agencies to coordinate geospatial activities and resources.
18 Discussion