Governance & Organization Patterns Pattern for Governance & Organization
Governance and Organization Models Type Description Governance Pattern Centralized Early in the adoption cycle of SOA a centralized structure is the preferred structure to manage the SOA Program in a coherent and consistent manner Hierarchical As an enterprise’s SOA capabilities and needs mature, more scalable structures are required to continue managing the SOA Program. Some decisions will be made centrally and others will be delegated to more local groups within the hierarchy. Centralized Governance Team (Enterprise Wide) Governance Team Hierarchical Governance Team (Region A) Hierarchical Governance Team (Region B) Local Govern. Team Reference: Domain Model for SOA – BEA Systems, White Paper Pattern for Governance & Organization
Governance and Organization Models Type Description Governance Pattern Federated When additional remote regions have a consistent need for SOA governance a Federated structure is applicable. These federated service organizations are exact replicas of the centralized structure in terms of SOA compliance and support but overall SOA Governance still remains with a centralized body. Due to the increase in communications and co-ordination lines there are limits to the scalability of this structure and it tends to not scale well above 3 regions. If more regions are required then the enterprise should consider moving to a hierarchical structure Federated Governance Team (Region A) Federated Governance Team (Region B) Reference: Domain Model for SOA – BEA Systems, White Paper Pattern for Governance & Organization
Governance and Organization Models Type Description Governance Pattern Partially Federated When additional remote regions have a consistent need for SOA compliance and support but have resource constraints a Partially Federated structure is applicable. Federated Governance Team (Region A) Partial Federated Governance Team (Region B) Partial Federated Governance Team (Region C) Reference: Domain Model for SOA – BEA Systems, White Paper Pattern for Governance & Organization
Engagement Model - Stakeholders involved Description ITRB IT Review Board CIO Chief Information Officer PMO Program Management Office Sponsor Business Sponsor of the project (VP level or higher) Project Team Project Managers (both Business and IT and some key Analysts) Arch. Enterprise Architects ASC Architecture Steering Committee (both Business & IT) Reference: Gartner Whitepaper Pattern for Governance & Organization
Governance & Organization Engagement Model Stakeholders Task ITRB PMO CIO Sponsor Proj. Team Arch. ASC Document Architecture Standards and Guidelines T O C MC I Document Self-Assessment Criteria MCT Plan Project T or C AI MI AC Approve Project I or A M A Initiate Project Design Project Implement Project O=Own, M=Manage, A=Agree, I=Involve, C=Consult. T=Tell Reference: Gartner Whitepaper Pattern for Governance & Organization
Governance & Organization Engagement Model Stakeholders Task ITRB PMO CIO Sponsor Proj. Team Arch. ASC Complete Project T A O MI Negotiate Conflict M I or A I Monitor Compliance O=Own, M=Manage, A=Agree, I=Involve, C=Consult. T=Tell Reference: Gartner Whitepaper Pattern for Governance & Organization