Session 2: Strategic Guidance Spring Term 2014 School Governor Induction
What do I want to know by Week 4? What is my role and what are my responsibilities (x4) What is the role of the staff governor How much can I say when the boss is in the room? Can I be asked to leave the room? What can I give to the school? How are accountable are we? What can I contribute? What are our limitations?
1.General Introductory Module 2.Strategic Governance 3.Governors as Critical Friends 4.Accountability Outline Of Course 3
Know about the main purposes and three key roles of governing bodies Understand their role in school improvement Have practised the skills involved in monitoring and evaluating school performance Know how to access further information and support After This Course Governors Will... 4
What is the vision for your school? How do you know? What information is available to you? What do you do with that information? Whom do you ask? Strategic means ‘having a plan’! Module 2 – Strategic Governance 5
Aims, Ethos, Vision Targets School Improvement Plan Self Evaluation Budget Staffing Structure Policies Service Level Agreements Strategic Plans and Issues 6
“Governing bodies have formal responsibility for the financial management of their schools, and so the standard is primarily aimed at governors” Optional for academies, required for others Set of 23 statements Governing body signs off Review annually Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) 7
Four sections The governing body and school staff (See handout) Setting the budget Value for money Protecting public money SFVS 8
Annual framework for financial expenditure Set early each year for following financial year Drafted by bursar/finance officer/head Approved/signed off by governing body or finance committee Finance committee must monitor regularly through year Should reflect overall school priorities Most money goes on staff salaries Budget 9
Governors are involved in overall strategy Head and staff run the school operationally Task – Whose Task? 1.Which are tasks for governors? 2.Which are tasks for staff? 3.Which tasks may overlap between both? Strategic Vs. Operational 10
Self Evaluation 11 School should continually self-evaluate Written document recommended Brief words Ofsted offers suggested template Governors should monitor process
Self Evaluation Document 12 Concise and succinct Evaluative rather than descriptive or repetitive Regularly updated to inform governors Linked to Ofsted inspection focuses, setting out strengths and weaknesses Linked to school development planning, and identifies areas for improvement An indicator of the success of the school’s actions in tackling issues identified at the previous inspection
Linked to School Development Plan 1.Achievement: 2.Quality of Teaching 3.Behaviour and safety: 4.Leadership and management:
Sets out priorities for school improvement Includes Ofsted recommendations for action Should be “SMART” Drafted by head/staff but governors should have input Governors should receive regular progress reports Not a static document – changes and evolves Budget should reflect priorities School Development Plan (SDP) 14
Has clear focus Is SMART (specific; measurable, achievable) Includes time scales, costing and people involved Identifies success criteria Is well researched, communicated and “owned” Is clear how will be monitored and evaluated and by whom School Features of good SDPs 15
1.Read High Hopes SDP What good points does it have? Are there any weak features? How might it be improved? 2.Repeat task using your own SDP School Development Plan: Task 16
Strategic Governance - Summary 17 Big picture Whole school issues Focus on student performance Focus on school improvement Committees deal with more detailed issues
Governors And School Improvement 18 What is the evidence? SEF Who do we ask and how? Where do we get the information? DATA What kinds of achievement do we value? How do we know it’s happening? REPORTS VISITS To whom are we accountable? How do we contribute to planning for it? SIP + PERF. MGT + RESOURCES What are our values? POLICIES What is our vision? What are we trying to achieve? PLANS