South Asia Earthquake: Transition from Relief to Development Joint Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and WFP New York, 20 January 2006 Presented by:


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Presentation transcript:

South Asia Earthquake: Transition from Relief to Development Joint Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and WFP New York, 20 January 2006 Presented by: Haoliang Xu, UNDP Country Director For UN Country Team, Pakistan

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January Earthquake Damages UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan Flash Appeal and Cluster System Early Recovery Cluster and Early Recovery Framework Transition: From Relief to Development Concept: Relief, Early Recovery and Reconstruction What Transition: Focus, Institutions, Roles and Information Systems Lessons Learnt Coordination Early Recovery as Transition Strategy Country Office Capacity In this Presentation

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January Initial Damage Assessment SECTORS US$ Million Social Infrastructure Private Housing1,552 Health303 Education472 Environment151 Public Administration72 Physical Infrastructure Transport416 Water Supply and Sanitation32 Irrigation10 Energy, Power and Fuel40 Economic Sectors Agriculture and Livestock300 Industry and Services155 TOTAL3503 Category US$ million Death & Injury Compensation205 Relief1,092 Early Recovery398 Reconstruction3,503 Total5,198

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January Initial Damage Assessment (cont’d) SECTORS US$ Million Shelter42.7 Employment & Livelihoods109.3 Agriculture42.6 Governance9.5 Disaster Reduction5.8 Environment21.6 Education40.0 Protection5.0 Food & Nutrition10.0 Health57.0 Water & Sanitation50.5 Monitoring & Evaluation4.0 TOTAL398.0 Category US$ million Death & Injury Compensation205 Relief1,092 Early Recovery398 Reconstruction3,503 Total5,198

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan Flash Appeal and Cluster System Eleven clusters were formed under prioritized themes immediately after the arrival of UNDAC: ClusterChaired by: Cluster CoordinatorOCHA NutritionWFP Water /SanitationUNICEF Health WHO Emergency ShelterIOM IT/CommunicationWFP Logistics WFP Camp Management UNHCR Protection UNICEF Education UNICEF Early RecoveryUNDP Also led by Federal Relief Commission and co-chaired by government counterparts

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan: Flash Appeal and Cluster System (cont’d) UN Agencies Effective Civil- Military Cooperation Information Sharing Action Planning Decision Making! National & Local Authorities NGOs National Level Field/Humanitarian Hub Level

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan: Early Recovery Cluster and Early Recovery Framework Early Recovery Augmenting ongoing humanitarian assistance Supporting spontaneous recovery efforts Preparing the ground for sustainable long-term reconstruction Reducing future disaster risks Early Recovery Cluster Inter-agency Standing Committee in Geneva Regular Early Recovery Cluster meetings in Islamabad Pilot Early Recovery Cluster meetings at field level Start planning for early recovery as soon as possible.

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan: Early Recovery Cluster and Early Recovery Framework (cont’d) Early Recovery Framework: Needs Assessment and Recovery Planning Process: 60 professionals from Government, NGOs, Private Sector and UN Agencies Two multi-sectoral teams with expertise in Housing, Livelihoods, Agriculture, Education, Financial Services, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment, Governance, Health, and Infrastructure Sector-specific questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and direct observation techniques Objectives: Assess key vulnerabilities Identify spontaneous early recovery efforts devise strategies to strengthen local self-help capacities Identify key programmes to facilitate transition from relief to reconstruction

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan: Early Recovery Cluster and Early Recovery Framework (cont’d) Guiding principles for the Early Recovery Framework 1. Focus on the most vulnerable 2. Restore capacities 3. Rebuild people’s livelihoods 4. Secure human development gains 5. Reduce disaster risk 6. Engage the private sector 7. Independence and self-sufficiency 8. Transparency and accountability 9. Subsidiarity and decentralization 10. Coordination

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January Relief UN Flash Appeal Early Recovery UN Framework Reconstruction WB/ADB report 6 months months 3-5 years Transition: From Relief to Development Concept: Relief, Early Recovery and Reconstruction

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January Relief UN Flash Appeal Early Recovery UN Framework Reconstruction WB/ADB report 6 months months 3-5 years Transition of Focus: From Saving Lives to Restoring Livelihoods Transition of Institutions: From FRC to ERRA; New Clusters Transition of Roles: Stronger government lead in Clusters, etc. Transition: From Relief to Development Transition of Focus, Institutions, Roles and Information Systems Transition of Information Systems: Moving toward DAD & M&E

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January Humanitarian AssistanceEarly Recovery Coordination (OCHA) Food & Nutrition (WFP) Info & Telecom (OCHA/UNICEF/WFP) Camp Management (UNHCR) Logistics (WFP) Education (UNICEF) Health (WHO) Early Recovery (UNDP) Protection (UNICEF)Protection Early Recovery (UNDP)Health* Education* Logistics* Employment. Livelihoods, Agriculture* Environment* Governance & Disaster Reduction* Phase Out Early Recovery Sector Working Groups Transition Emergency Shelter (IOM) Water & Sanitation (UNICEF) Transitional Shelter* Water & Sanitation* Transition: From Relief to Development What Transition: IASC Recommendation and ERRA Plan ERRA Plan on future clusters

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan: Lessons Learnt: Coordination Government’s leadership has been key: the cluster effectiveness improved significantly after the national counterparts took ownership Regular communication between the Government, civil society and UN Agencies is crucial, but focused on decision making with clusters as the instrument Efficient information management at sectoral, cluster and macro level goes a long way to ensuring optimal resource planning

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan: Lessons Learnt: Early Recovery as a Transition Strategy Focus on early recovery can be an effective strategy for transition from relief to development Addressing early recovery issues in the Flash Appeal allows early focus on early recovery As in relief, UN Agencies need to mobilize resources and capacities early on to be able to provide effective assistance for early recovery

UNCT Pakistan Presentation at Joint EB Session on 20 January UN Country Team Experience in Pakistan: Lessons Learnt: Country Office Capacity Pooling of resources from within UN system and networking with other partners provides a good level of capacity in a reasonably rapid time frame Agencies need to have the capacity to turn the initial surge capacity into sustained human resource capacity for the country offices UN Agencies are challenged to have adequate stand-by capacities for emergency response, both financially and in human resource terms The case of Pakistan demonstrates UN reform in action at the field level. The upcoming Real Time Evaluation of the cluster system provides an opportunity to ensure that the collaborative mechanisms continue in the transition phase as well as beyond.