Approach: Consider the Attributes of High Quality Academic Institutions Overall Goal: Improve Academic Excellence at MPC
So much of what is academic excellence and academic work is difficult to articulate, evaluate or measure, but is necessary to have a whole discussion about academic excellence and should be documented. __________________________________________________________ Factors that motivate us to teach and develop programs. We hope to … Inspire students to learn and question Prepare students to succeed in 4 year institutions to which they will transfer Challenge students and help them to expand their horizons and perspectives Provide courses and programs that make students think Prepare students to achieve a healthy life-style Help students raise their own standards of decency, sisterhood, brotherhood and commitments to community service Help students achieve SLOs Provide students with accurate, up=to=date, academic content
Excellent Teaching/ services Attributes of High Quality Academic Institutions Highly Functional Programs 4. Participate in Shared Governance Supports: -space and supplies to teach -quality programs 3. Evaluate Student Work Provides information for: -students, i.e., grades -indicators of program quality To achieve this goal, faculty must: 1. Teach/ provide services 2. Review Program Quality Things Faculty Do
4. Participate in Shared Governance Supports: -space and supplies to teach -quality programs 3. Evaluate Student Work Provides information for: -students, i.e., grades -indicators of program quality Excellent Teaching/ services Attributes of High Quality Academic Institutions Highly Functional Programs To achieve this goal, faculty must: 1. Teach/ provide services 2. Review Program Quality Things Faculty Do
Excellent Teaching/ services Attributes of High Quality Academic Institutions Highly Functional Programs 4. Participate in Shared Governance Supports: -space and supplies to teach -quality programs 3. Evaluate Student Work Provides information for: -students, i.e., grades -indicators of program quality To achieve this goal, faculty must: 1. Teach/ provide services 2. Review Program Quality Things Faculty Do MPC is an excellent institution because it does these things. -sometimes formally, sometimes informally MPC is an excellent institution because it does these things. -sometimes formally, sometimes informally
Excellent Teaching/ services Attributes of High Quality Academic Institutions Highly Functional Programs 4. Participate in Shared Governance Supports: -space and supplies to teach -quality programs 3. Evaluate Student Work Provides information for: -students, i.e., grades -indicators of program quality To achieve this goal, faculty must: 1. Teach/ provide services 2. Review Program Quality Things Faculty Do MPC is an excellent institution because it does these things. -sometimes formally, sometimes informally MPC is an excellent institution because it does these things. -sometimes formally, sometimes informally Area for Improvement
1. Elevate the Eminence of Program Review - Where we are now -Program improvement happens constantly on an informal basis, but not recognized as part of “program review” -Program review is perceived as a lot of work every six years that has a nebulous connection to what we do every day -Not generally recognized as something all of us regularly do - Where we should think about going (possible objectives) -Give more “vitality” to the annual updates; make them central to annual planning (AAAG, College Council, Admin) -Promote wider dissemination of results to inform institutional decision making -Encourage constructive critique -Promote recognition that much of what we do IS program review - document discussions related to student progress in courses -document discussions related to linkages between courses -the work of the Basic Skills and other committee to see how programs interact Details
Documents that provide guidelines to achieve high quality 1. Hiring -hiring procedures -job announcement template 2. Mentoring -new faculty mentoring guidelines (currently does not exist?) 3. Describing Faculty Duties -board policy -faculty handbook -DE handbook (?) 4. Evaluation -program review guidelines -evaluation guidelines -developed via collaboration between union and Senate; negotiated by union Area for Improvement: Integrate these documents with a visible thread of commonality
2. Examine and Potentially Revise Documents that Provide Guidelines to Achieve High Quality - Where we are now -Disparate set of documents with little connection between them -Where we should think about going (possible objectives) -Developing a set of documents that contains -an integrated framework with a visible thread of commonality -a consistent description of faculty and program expectations -information about how to do things and where to go to get information Details
2. Examine and Potentially Revise Documents that Provide Guidelines to Achieve High Quality - Where we are now -Disparate set of documents with little connection between them -Where we should think about going (possible objectives) -Developing a set of documents that contains -an integrated framework with a visible thread of commonality -a consistent description of faculty and program expectations -information about how to do things and where to go to get information Details 1. Elevate the Eminence of Program Review - Where we are now -Program improvement happens constantly on an informal basis, but not recognized as part of “program review” -Program review is perceived as a lot of work every six years that has a nebulous connection to what we do every day -Not generally recognized as something all of us regularly do - Where we should think about going (possible objectives) -Give more “vitality” to the annual updates; make them central to annual planning (AAAG, College Council, Admin) -Promote wider dissemination of results to inform institutional decision making -Encourage constructive critique -Promote recognition that much of what we do IS program review - document discussions related to student progress in courses -document discussions related to linkages between courses -the work of the Basic Skills and other committee to see how programs interact