Edith Beckett New Jersey State Library
Local unemployment rates ranging between 6.2 and 13.2 percent Incredible diversity by ethnicity, race, language, age, education, occupation, and lifestyle 304 library organizations with widely varying financial and staff resources, budgets, and governance structures
Increased need for library services Shrinking funding base
Applied for a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) We received $6.7 million in funding and created NJWorks! to help New Jersey’s public libraries support the economic recovery of our state
Help libraries expand services to the unemployed and underemployed by: o Enhancing training opportunities for library staff and patrons o Improving broadband capability and workstation availability in New Jersey libraries
Provide libraries with promotional materials to help them advertise job readiness computer courses and electronic resources Provide up to 938 new workstations to libraries across the state Offer affordable pricing for high-speed Internet access services to libraries from the state’s major service providers
Learning Express' Job & Career Accelerator (available now) Frost & Sullivan market research reports (coming soon) NJN Workforce Development Portal (coming soon)
Professional development workshops for library staff Basic job readiness computer training for any library user
Project timeline: July 2010 until June Project website: