IanThilthorpe Senior Manager Tyne & Wear Museums NERMH E-Learning Projects
Improve public engagement with Hub museum collections through the use of digital technology Maximise new audience potential Serve as advocates of e-learning for sector staff Support sector staff in the development of e- learning projects NERMH E-Learning Remit
Podcasting - What is it? A global phenomenon for the distribution and consumption of multi media content. RSS distribution enables regular and automatic subscription to new audio/video content. Increasing popularity and decreasing cost of iPod/MP3 players reflects how audiences are consuming content in new ways By 2005 only 1.6% of the U.S. population had ever downloaded a podcast. By 2010 it is predicted that 20% will be regularly downloading content. Podcasting
Podcasting - How is it being used? Museums/Heritage sector beginning to explore this medium as means of reaching new audiences. Simple and direct method of distributing innovative content to audiences. A new level of interactivity for audiences on websites and in venues. Personalised and mobile learning Increased marketing potential. Subscriptions enable sustainable relationships with audience.
To research the value of podcasting as an educational and marketing tool Staff acquire skills to enable sustainable production of podcasts. Initial ‘magazine’ style delivered in an ‘enhanced’ audio format. Bite size, engaging features e.g. short interview with Wayne Hemingway on opening of ‘Designs for Life’ exhibition. Initially targeted at ‘lazy social’ audience. To be the first of number of distinct strands of podcasts: talks, exhibitions, behind the scenes etc. appealing to different audiences. Podcasting
Video Podcast (Bowes Museum) Three pilot episodes focusing on redevelopment of museum, collections and exhibitions. Video format to be released monthly. Attempt to develop relationship between podcast presenters and audience. Behind the scenes features presented in engaging “BBC documentary” style. Staff to acquire skills to produce sustainable series.
Aims: To re examine the value of video conferencing as an educational tool. Explore the use of video conferencing for engaging adult audiences and schools with our sites and collections. To engage with the Joint Academic Network (JANET) video conferencing programme. Video Conferencing
Schools Video Conferencing Pilots Project undertaken with MLA North East and Northern Grid for Learning to develop highly interactive, engaging educational video conferencing (VC) sessions for schools. Three pilot events developed by Hub staff in consultation with teachers. Developed as pre-visit events. Formal evaluation being compiled and expected by end May 2008 Informal feedback very positive and encouraging: Plans to develop catalogue of VC sessions for schools as pre/post visit and stand alone sessions. To be made available through JANET Collaborate.
To engage adult audiences with Hub resources Pilot involving Beamish and informal ESOL class at Clayport Library, Co. Durham. Designed to be an interactive post visit session with a Beamish curator. Session structure content developed by Beamish outreach team and ESOL students. Additional objectives: To help students develop presentation skills and improve confidence in visiting museums. Formal evaluation due by July. Informal evaluation very positive with requests for event to be replicated in near future with different adult group. Looking to develop stand alone VC sessions intended for special interest adult learner groups. Adult Learner Video Conferencing Session
Web 2:0: Challenges & Opportunities New services Multi media User generated content Social Networks Two way flow of information
Articus Redevelopment Project Online collaborative schools’ art project with Hartlepool Art Gallery. Users submit original artwork and create their own personalised exhibitions in moderated environment. Designed for use by schools and independently by children away from the classroom. Swan Hunter website Multi Media resource documenting the history of Swan Hunter shipyard. Uses ‘Web 2.0’ approach to invite public contribution.public contribution The site will effectively become a collaborative document built from local experience. Projects
My Space
Eye Project
Web 2:0: What next? Museum Public Museum
IanThilthorpe Senior Manager Tyne & Wear Museums NERMH E-Learning Projects