GWG Notes for and from IMC Annual Meeting September 2010 -IMC 2010 GWG Meeting Agenda -Breakout Group #1 slides -Breakout Group #2 summary slides -Breakout.


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Presentation transcript:

GWG Notes for and from IMC Annual Meeting September IMC 2010 GWG Meeting Agenda -Breakout Group #1 slides -Breakout Group #2 summary slides -Breakout Group #3 summary slides -Action Items & Recommendations

Governance Working Group (GWG) – IMC 2010 GWG Agenda for 2010 IMC Annual Meeting Day 1 Breakout session – Governance (Karen, Nicole, Eda) Each breakout group has three levels of work 1) recommend resolution of their tasks 2) review, edit and augment the text in the whole ToR document 3) consider additional categories or items to add to the ToR Three Working Groups and Leaders 1) IMC/IMexec/NISAC roles, relations and membership; leader – Margaret 2) NISAC membership and communications: Linda 3) Working Group ToR: Emory timing of session 8:30-8:50 intro and review issues, ToR, and Vision Break Out group formation: count off 1,2,3 Suggest anyone can change Have group leader identify a notetaker 9:00-10:30 Break out groups afternoon: report out to whole IMC 2. Day 2 Breakout session 10: :30-12;00 Present/discuss IMC ToR report vision statement discussion led by Karen, Nicole, and Eda 3. Day 2 Action Items & Issue: IMExec Responsibilities and Powers

Develop Timeline for ToR ( in deciding our own governance model) Steps (integrate feedback, post V2, , post V3, VTC) Submit to IMExec, Request for Endorsement reporting on our governance model what process for submitting to EB adopt provisionally before 2011 annual meeting every site must yea/nea for 1 year change document by consensus 2011 (ASM) vote to finalize; afterward 2/3 majority to change Consider working group types More issues: the S&IP Vision/mission IM Metrics Breakout Group #1

Characteristics recommended for the terms of reference Typology of types: include in terms of reference 1) type: standing vs targetted theme-based; task-oriented; project-based 2) longevity 2) establishment: adhoc vs formal working group ToR adds transparency to IMC work new lines of communication ToR provides historical record ToR legitimizes the particular effort 3) drivers: NIS, IMC-wide, IMC-interest, science, (may be product-working for funds; if involving funds and expectations Actions -If a working group establishes network-wide expectations for sites, must be voted on by IMC -Identify Active WGs Breakout Group #1

Notes Breakout Group #1 NOTES from Breakout Present: Emery (moderator), Margaret, Hap, Corinna, Suzanne, Yang, Nicole, … Similar in function to EB? Not clear. What is SC EB relationship? EB is active, decision making body. SC can input, but often chooses not to. Proposed model: IMExec can take action and let IMC know, but not necessarily wait before action. IMC members also participate by reading IMExec notes, and via monthly water coolers. IMExec members represent the Network, rather than their individual sites. Actions allowed by IMC (relies on high level of trust): Reactions to urgent issues (turnaround < __ weeks). Assign levels We did xx: see minutes We need feedback on xx: please respond – IMExec should not decide on issues such as widespread adoption of standards or technology Stipulations: better use of drupal calendar annual business meeting should review imexec decisions of previous year IMC membership: Membership is inclusive. Each site appoints (?) an IM Rep who is a voting member when needed, and who appears on siteDB and im-rep-at-lternet mailing list. Any member of the committee can be nominated for any position (chair of IMC, WG leader, other). Travel funding for meetings is still limited to one/site.

Focus Topic: IMC Governance :Working group #2 Task#1: EB rep selection Vote occurs every three years during the IMC meeting IMExec will assemble a list of candidates for IMC representative to EB Open nominations will be allowed Recommend that nominees have broad experience at the highest levels of LTER

Focus Topic: IMC Governance :Working group #2 Task#2 IMC partnership with Science Council IMExec will prepare an annual report for EB IMC (co-)chair(s) attends the annual SC meeting Recommend that all new cross-site proposals to the EB include a data management plan (to ensure IMC representation on any cross-site working groups)

Focus Topic: IMC Governance :Working group #2 Task#3 Describe membership and TOR for NISAC NISAC alerts IMExec on number of IMC-member replacements required each year before the annual IMC meeting Nominations are open and NISAC members are elected at the annual IMC meeting Elected NISAC representative names are forwarded to EB for formal approval

Focus Topic: IMC Governance :Working group #2 Task#4 Describe communications with NISAC and IMExec NISAC IM co-chair will be included in IMExec meetings quarterly Recommend that IMExec tracks all other active wg’s and projects by invitation to occasional IMExec monthly meetings WG leaders should be proactive in contacting both IMExec and NISAC

What is a working group? #3 Some are standing, others are temporary Planned duration of WG should be defined Purpose of WG should be defined Possible division between WGs that address issues (e.g. governance) vs WGs that address specific projects (e.g. unit dictionary) May be Hierarchical – e.g. LTER Maps under GIS working groups

Current Issues #3 Difficult to find existing working groups No time frame makes it hard to commit IM time Unfunded WGs tend to move very slowly or dissolve Where do WG recommendations go?

How are working groups formed? #3 Current: someone sees a need and volunteers (e.g. governance), or a break out session at IMC/ASM leads to working group (e.g. web services, GIS) New Idea: working groups should have proposals as part of documentations, gets vetted by IMExec, voted on by IMC New Idea: groups can start informally as now but at some point would be formalized as above

Terms of Ref. for Working Groups #3 posted by chairperson to IM site to describe – Skills needed/covered/taught –Planned duration –Membership/how to add members –Primary contact (chair/co-chairs) –Reason for forming –Expected products –General abstract for index page –Links to related documents –Timeline of past and proposed meeting schedule (at least 1/year?) –Submit annual report to IMC similar to site bytes –Rotation of chairperson (optional)

How are working groups assessed? #3 Process for assessing working groups to move from informal to formal Review of annual reports by IMExec

How are working groups discontinued? #3 Consensus/vote by working group members Yearly self-review to consider continuation If discontinued, include in annual report

Types of working groups #3 Informal working group – created when an interested party forms a group, no need for vetting or voting via IMC or IMExec, should post basic information on IM site Formal working group – vetted and voted on by IMC? IMExec? Product-oriented working group – approved via LNO for funding Topic-oriented working group – long term WGs with changing goals over time ( possibly rename to discussion group, subgroup, subcommittee?)

Action Items IMC Governance: ToR for Governance WG Contribute to IMC report V2 Terms of Reference for IMC plus IMExec 2011 before meeting, accept provisionally 2012 revise, accept and vote Feedback to SIP (to co-chairs) IMC Mission and vision statements Template summary-ToR for Working groups Recommendations that emerged during governance discussions for IMExec to send to EB: 1.Cross-site synthesis proposals have requirement for a data management plan developed jointly with an IMC information manager 2. The IMC chair position be supported at 1 month per year