1 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 2012 Governance Document Draft Fred Gilman
2 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Governance − Minimalist − Effective in bootstrapping the Collaboration and in running its first phase
3 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 The Collaboration - preamble This document describes the governance of the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration, often referred to henceforth as the DESC or the Collaboration. The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration is made up of scientists in universities and national laboratories dedicated to preparing to do the full range of dark energy science analyses to take advantage of the data from the onset of operations of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). One of the initial activities of the DESC will be to issue a White Paper indicating the overall scope of scientific work during construction, with a focus on the set of tasks envisioned for the first phase, the next three years, along with the assignments of DESC members to do those tasks. Options, Comments & Issues Add sentence on the goal of feedback to the LSST Project to help optimize the dark energy science capabilities of the LSST
4 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 The Collaboration – preamble, cont. The White Paper will not be a “proposal” in itself. DESC members at a given institution will be expected to develop a proposal from that institution that will be submitted to the DOE Office of High Energy Physics and other funding agencies for support to accomplish the tasks assigned to them. While the primary data products will remain open to the community, the analysis products produced by the DESC will remain proprietary prior to publication. Options, Comments & Issues
5 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 The Collaboration Ph.D. physicists and astronomers and their Ph.D. thesis students who contribute to the DESC are eligible to be members of the Collaboration. A rough guideline is that a member of the Collaboration should be devoting a significant fraction (TBD) of their research time to the DESC over a period of three years. Institutions with three (Number TBD) or more DESC members are considered institutional members of the Collaboration. Each institution is responsible for maintaining a current list of the individual members from that institution and designating an Institutional Representative. Options, Comments & Issues A detailed definition of membership is deferred to the governance working group.
6 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Spokesperson or Co-Spokespersons The Spokesperson (Co-Spokespersons) has (have) the responsibility to be concerned with all aspects of the DESC. He/she is the contact person for the DOE Office of High-Energy Physics and other funding agencies. As described below, the Spokesperson is the chair of the Executive Board. The initial Spokesperson or Spokespersons will have a term of one year. At that point, there will be an election to choose the Spokesperson or Spokespersons, who will have a term of two years. Options, Comments & Issues Reason for the choice of the length of initial term Will need a Nominating Committee drawn from the Collaboration
7 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Deputy Spokesperson The Deputy Spokesperson will be responsible for overseeing many of the ongoing operations being carried out by the Collaboration. Like the Spokesperson, the initial Deputy Spokesperson will have a term of one year, after which there will be an election to a Deputy Spokesperson with a term of two years. Options, Comments & Issues The position is not intended to be interpreted as a spokesperson-elect.
8 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Analysis Coordinator The Analysis Coordinator is responsible for managing and achieving the list of tasks set for completion in the White Paper, and specifically for those proposed for the next three years. He/she sets dates for workshops, as needed in specific physics areas, and is a member of the Executive Board. The initial Analysis Coordinator will have a term of one year, after which the Analysis Coordinator will be elected with a two-year term. Options, Comments & Issues
9 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Computing Coordinator The Computing Coordinator is responsible for planning for and coordinating computational resources; the development of associated software; and simulations necessary to carry out the DESC’s work. The initial Computing Coordinator will have a term of one year, and then the Computing Coordinator will be elected with a two-year term. He/she is a member of the Executive Board. Options, Comments & Issues
10 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 LSST Project Chief Scientist The LSST Project Chief Scientist is part of the LSST Project team. He/she acts generally as an interface between the LSST Project and the science community. In this case, he/she helps particularly to ensure good communication with the LSST Project of the scientific results of the DESC. Ex officio, he/she will be a member of the Executive Committee. Options, Comments & Issues
11 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Executive Board The Executive Board is composed of the Spokesperson (or Co-Spokespersons), the Analysis Coordinator, the Computing Coordinator, the LSST Project Chief Scientist plus four institutional representatives and two members of the Collaboration from universities with two or less members. The Spokesperson (or one of the Co-Spokespersons) chairs the Executive Board. As with the other members of the Executive Board, the four institutional representatives and the two members of the Collaboration from universities with two or less members will be selected ab initio for a one-year term, followed by the elections for two-year terms. The Executive Board is responsible for setting the policies and priorities of the DESC. The Executive Board sets the dates of meetings of the whole DESC, which should occur once per year at a minimum. The Executive Board itself should meet a minimum of four times per year and at least two of the meetings should be in-person. Options, Comments & Issues
12 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Publications Policy (Left for future detailed development) Options, Comments & Issues In this minimalist governance there is not a Collaboration Council. Later?
13 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Organization Structure Co-spokespersons Analysis CoordinatorComputing Coordinator Deputy Spokesperson
14 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Proposed Initial Leadership Co-spokespersons Bhuvnesh Jain, Steve Kahn Analysis Coordinator Jeff Newman Computing Coordinator Andy Connolly Deputy Spokesperson Gregory Dubois-Felsmann
15 LSST dark energy science collaboration meeting Penn June 11-13, 2012 Executive Board membership proposal Steve Kahn (co-spokesperson) Bhuvnesh Jain (co-spokesperson) Jeff Newman (analysis coordinator) Andy Connolly (computing coordinator) Tony Tyson (LSST Project chief scientist) Pat Burchat Craig Hogan Reynald Pain Michael Strauss two additional positions remain, to be filled later