Approved Training Manual’s Lesson Plans And Courseware STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Initial New Hire – Flight Crew Part I – Basic Indoctrination Section 2 – Airman Specific B. Weight and Balance
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Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific B. Weight and Balance
Current copy of the General Operations Manual Aircraft flight Manual Training Materials
Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific B. Weight and Balance 1)Definitions (such as zero fuel weight, moments, inches of datum etc.) 2)General loading procedures and center of gravity computations 3)Effect of fuel burn and load shift in flight 4)Weight and balance forms, load manifests, fuel slips and other applicable documents
Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific B. Weight and Balance 1)Definitions Zero fuel weight - the total weight of the airplane and all its contents, minus the total weight of the usable fuel on board Arm - is the chordwise (fore-and-aft) distance from the datum to any point within the aircraft. Moment - is a measure of force that results from an object’s weight acting through an arc that is centered on the zero point of the reference datum distance. Moment is also referred to as the tendency of an object to rotate or pivot about a point (the zero point of the datum, in this case). The further an object is from this point, the greater the force it exerts. Moment is calculated by multiplying the weight of an object by its arm.
Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific B. Weight and Balance 2)General Loading Procedures and Center of Gravity Computations
Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific B. Weight and Balance 3)Effect of Fuel Burn and Load Shift in Flight
Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific B. Weight and Balance 4)Weight and Balance Forms, Load Manifests, Fuel Slips and other Applicable Documents Reference: GOM, Appendix B, Part IV for samples of Weight and Balance and Load Manifests
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