Aviation Seminars1 #3248. Which instrument will become inoperative if the pitot tube becomes clogged? A- Altimeter. B- Vertical speed. C- Airspeed.
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Aviation Seminars4 # What is the maximum structural cruising speed ? A- 100 MPH. B- 165 MPH. C- 208 MPH.
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Aviation Seminars7 #5157. While maintaining a constant angle of bank and altitude in a coordinated turn, an increase in airspeed will A- decrease the rate of turn resulting in a decreased load factor. B- decrease the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor. C- increase the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor. Comm.
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Aviation Seminars10 #5604. Why should flight speeds above ‘Vne’ be avoided? A- Excessive induced drag will result in structural failure. B- Design limit load factors may be exceeded, if gusts are encountered. C- Control effectiveness is so impaired that the aircraft becomes uncontrollable. Comm.
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Aviation Seminars13 #3012. After takeoff, which airspeed would permit the pilot to gain the most altitude in a given period of time? A- Vy. B- Vx. C- Va.
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Aviation Seminars16 #3267. The maximum speed at which the airplane can be operated in smooth air is A- 100 MPH. B- 165 MPH. C- 208 MPH.
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Aviation Seminars19 #3256. What is true altitude? A- The vertical distance of the aircraft above sea level. B- The vertical distance of the aircraft above the surface. C- The height above the standard datum plane.
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Aviation Seminars22 #3252. Altimeter 3 indicates A- 9,500 feet. B- 10,950 feet. C- 15, 940 feet.
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Aviation Seminars25 # If airspeed is increased during a level turn, what action would be necessary to maintain altitude? A- The angle of attack and angle of bank must be decreased. B- The angle of attack must be increased or angle of bank decreased. C- The angle of attack must be decreased or angle of bank increased. Comm.
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Aviation Seminars28 #3990. If a flight is made from an area of low pressure into an area of high pressure without the altimeter setting being adjusted and a constant indicated altitude is maintained, the altimeter would indicate A- the actual altitude above sea level. B- higher than the actual altitude above sea level. C- lower than the actual altitude above sea level.
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Aviation Seminars31 #3255. How do variations in temperature affect the altimeter? A- Pressure levels are raised on warm days and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude. indicated altitude is lower than true altitude. B- High temperatures expand the pressure levels and the indicated altitude is higher than true altitude. C- Lower temperatures lower the pressure levels and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude.
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Aviation Seminars34 #3279. Deviation in a magnetic compass is caused by A- presence of flaws in the permanent magnets of the compass. B- the difference in the location between true north and magnetic north. C- magnetic fields within the aircraft distorting the lines of magnetic force.
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Aviation Seminars37 #3280. In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the west if A- a left turn is entered from a north heading. B- a right turn is entered from a north heading. C- an aircraft is accelerated while on a north heading.
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Aviation Seminars40 #3283. In the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the south when A- a left turn is entered from an east heading. B- a right turn is entered from a west heading. C- the aircraft is decelerated while on a west heading.
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Aviation Seminars43 #3278. How should a pilot determine the direction of bank from an attitude indicator such as the one illustrated? A- The direction of deflection of the banking scale (A). B- The direction of deflection of the horizon bar (B). C- The relationship of the miniature airplane (C) to the deflected horizon bar (B).
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Aviation Seminars46 #5268. What is an operational difference between the turn coordinator and the turn-and-slip indicator? A- The turn coordinator is always electric; the turn- and-slip indicator is always vacuum-driven. B- The turn coordinator indicates bank angle only; the turn-and-slip indicator indicates rate of turn and coordination. C- The turn coordinator indicates roll rate, rate of turn, and coordination; the turn-and-slip indicator indicates rate of turn and coordination. Comm.
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