Dorcas Nabukwasi H Uganda Bureau of Statistics 29 th April, 2013 Dakar
There is need for a policy document that empowers NSO to collect Data. This can be in form of a statistical act.
The GPS should fit with the institutional structures to enable its growth There should be a designated officer directly responsible for this set of statistics
Identify the training needs at institutional level, this was done during the data mapping exercise The training was conducted using a phased approach Out source of technical person in various governance themes was done. These presented as Guest speakers during the training
Encourage open ness during the training and the urgent governance needs for the country. This would form the plat form for prioritizing the indicators Emphase collective responsibility for all the stakeholders Ownership and support is emphased during the training
The method of data collection should be clear Tools and metadata should be well done Computing standard errors for primary source data is a good way of checking reliability The standard for collecting the information should be known with the entire governance group. This can be a module during the training Establish checks for different indicators. This is usually presented in the manual of instructions
This should be a collective effort, all members need to agree on the indicators to be considered. Develop checks for internal consistencies