4-H All Stars All Stars can turn your 4-H Experience Into a Lifetime One.
What is 4-H All Stars? 4-H All Stars is an honorary service organization. Membership in 4-H All Stars is the highest recognition that a Virginia 4-Her can achieve. Virginia 4-H All Stars is service oriented and volunteer operated.
Purpose of 4-H All Stars To contribute to positive youth development through service to the 4-H program of which they are a part. The 4-H All Star organization strives for cooperation among 4-H programs in all areas. The 4-H program becomes the model from which an All Star moves to other areas of service to people throughout his/her lifetime.
As an All Star... We “Serve” Together For many years, 4-H All Stars have provided an incentives to Virginia 4- Hers to grow, learn and achieve in order to become a member. Virginia 4-H All Stars provide a source of both teen and adult leaders who are actively involved in enhancing the opportunities for youth in 4-H.
Motto: Service There are many opportunities to implement our motto throughout the organization. Many have devoted their time to expanding the organization of All Stars and the 4-H program in Virginia.
Fact or Fiction? All Stars are alums of 4-H youth programming. In order to be tapped into the All Stars you must be active in your 4-H youth program. There are honorary memberships for Extension personnel and adult volunteers who have been extremely active in 4-H. FACT
Fact or Fiction? The Virginia All Star Tapping Ceremony that happens during State Congress is new and different is new and different each year. The Ceremony that is performed every year is part of an old tradition that has been upheld for over 80 years. However, each year we do have new faces to tap-in and different officers that perform the ritual. FICTION
Fact or Fiction? Being tapped as a Virginia All Star is an honor. Actually, being tapped as an All Star is Virginia’s HIGHEST 4-H HONOR. It is even more prestigious than being named a delegate to National 4-H Congress. FACT
Fact or Fiction? Once you are tapped as an All Star your commitment to the 4-H program is over. A majority of All Stars continue working with 4-H. Virginia has All Stars as Agents, Adult and Teen Volunteers, Permanent Staff at our 4-H Educational Centers, and as Collegiate Club Members. FICTION
Once you’re tapped... what’s next? Once you are an All Star, you will always be an All Star. Some All Stars stay active throughout their lives. Others come and go as their lives and responsibilities change over the years. There are many more opportunities for All Stars in Virginia.…. Being an All Star is a great way to stay in contact as you go through college, start a career, start a family, move around, become a parent…
All Star Opportunities State-wide Midwinter's: held the 1 st weekend in February in locations around the state Summer: held usually in July in different locations around the state Interstate Rotates between the states that have active All Star Chapters: VA, West Virginia, Mississippi, & Maryland. New Hampshire & Massachusetts also have state All Star Chapters Conferences
Assist with tapping at Congress All Stars in each county are encouraged to hold meetings and provide assistance to the county program Wayne M. Keffer Scholarship for college students Districts sponsor Service Projects & Social Events Keep in touch with 4-H Other Opportunities
Could you become an All Star? Are you between 15 & 19 years old? Have you been in 4-H for at least 3 years? Are you an active 4-H member with participation in a variety of projects and activities? Have you been active in various leadership roles and community service projects? If you answered yes to these questions, contact your local extension agent for an application OR check out the Virginia 4-H All Stars Website at
Tapping is a special event in the life of an All Star
Since 1923, over 8,000 Virginia 4-H members have been selected as Virginia 4-H All Stars as a result of their accomplishments and experiences through the Virginia 4-H program. More than 500 Extension staff and adult volunteers have been selected as Honorary members.
Let’s look at the nomination form!
PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 2. 4-H Resumes/ Portfolios, and Interviews completed : Portfolios: Comprehensive presentation of entire 4-H career including Projects, activities, leadership and service. 1 point per year: STATE _____ (number of years) 4 ______ 2 points per year: State interview ______ (number of years) Years/Areas entered___________________________________________ Maximum Points Points Allowed Earned 1. List the 4-H project units and years in which the member enrolled, completed and acquired useable knowledge and skills. Example: Beef (3-2003, 2005, 2006); Shooting Ed (4 – ) 1 point: 1-3 units 3 points: 7-9 units 5 points: units 2 points: 4-6 units 4 points: units 6 points: More than 15 6 _____ _____________________________________________________
A. List 4-H tours, field trips, workshops, camps, congress, conference, exchange programs, CWF, etc. and years. Example: Congress (3-2004, 2005, 2006,2007); Host IFYE (1-2003) 1. One point for each TWO club or unit events 4 ______ ___________________________________________________________ 2. One point for each out-of-unit event 4 _____ ___________________________________________________________ 3. 4-H Exchange programs, intrastate, interstate and international. List program and year. a. Hosting or visiting as part of club or unit intrastate/interstate exchange. One point EACH. 2 _____ ___________________________________________________ b. Hosting or visiting abroad as part of 4-H LABO, IFYE or other 4-H International program. List program and year. Two points EACH. 4 ____ ___________________________________________________________ 3. Learning experiences through participation in 4-H events
B. Competitive events: Public Speaking, Presentations, Share-the-Fun, Judging Events (Livestock, Horse, Dairy, Poultry & Egg Grading, Meat Evaluation, Forestry, Hippology, Jr. Stockman’s,, etc.) List events and years. Example: County and District Share-the-Fun (2-2002, 2004) 1. One point for each TWO events at club level. 4 ______ _________________________________________ 2. One point for each TWO events at unit/area level. 3 ______ ___________________________________________ __________________________________
3. One point for EACH district / state / or out-of- state event. 2 ______ ____________________________________ C. 4-H Exhibits: Individual or club, including showing livestock, horse shows, fashion revues, fairs, poster contests and National 4-H Week. (One animal is one exhibit per show.) Example: Fashion Revue (C, U, D, ) 1. One point for each THREE exhibits on the club, unit or area level 4 ______ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ 2. One point for EACH district, state, or out of state exhibit. 2 ______ _________________________________________
Each section, in turn is limited to the points allowed. You may have attended a dozen plus club and unit workshops, but you only get credit for 8. As we continue to work though the form, keep in mind that one of the objectives of the nomination process is to have members who are well rounded and not just focused on one area. Total points for projects and activities = 39
EXPERIENCES IN LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE 4. List elected offices or committee chairmanships held. Example: ClubTreasurer (l-2000). Honor club Sec. (1 – 2006) A. One point for EACH club held office/chairmanship. 3 _____ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ B. One point for EACH unit, district or state held office/chairmanship. 2 ______ ______________________________________________________________ 5. List leadership positions and years as a teen or junior leader of club or project group. (Example: Sheep project ( ). A. One point for teen or junior leader of EACH project or special interest group. 6 ______ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ B. One point for counselor-in-training at camp. 1______
C. One point for teen or junior leader EACH camp. 4 ______ _______________________________________________________________ 6. List committee responsibilities, program planning or assistance with program, activities, contests, etc. Example:Club Fundraising ( ); Achievement night ( 2 – 2005, 2006) A. One point for each TWO club assignments. 4 ______ ____________________________________________ B. One point for EACH unit, area, district, and state assignment. 8 ______ _________________________________________
7. Assistance given on an individual basis to 4-H’ers. List year, number assisted, and what you did. Example: Helped a 4-H’er to do a poster Listened to 5 4-H’ers practice their presentation, Helped neighbor 4-H’er pack for junior 4-H camp One point for helping H’ers Two points for helping H’ers Three points for helping H’ers. Four points for helping 16 or more 4-H’ers 4 ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Recruitment and promotion of 4-H. List talks to civic groups, TV appearances, radio programs, news articles written for local or school newspaper or newsletter. Example: Set up home page; Talk to Ruritan Club (1-1995); newspapers articles ( ). One point for each TWO contacts. 5 ______ _______________________________________________ 9. Community Service. List participation with charitable, cultural, historical, and environmental groups on community service and improvement projects. (4-H and other groups.) Example: Litter Pickup (2-1995, 96). One point for EACH service activity within the community 10 ________________________________________________________
10. List leadership activities other than 4-H. One point for EACH leadership role. (more than membership) Example: FFA, Secretary (2005), Cheerleading Captain (2006) 7 ______ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ RECOGNITION 11. Recognition : (includes individual awards such as Honor Club membership, county medals, “I Dare You,” Outstanding 4-H’er, etc.). List awards A. One point for EACH club, unit, and area award. 8 ______ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Leadership & Service = 54 points
B. Two points for EACH district, state, or national award. 2 ______________________________________________________ 12. Recognition, other than 4-H. Example: MVP – Baseball, National Honor Society, Honor Roll. List awards. One point for each TWO. 3 ______ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________ TOTAL POINTS EARNED OUT OF 106 ______ Recognition points = 13
What now ? ???? There are six point areas that range from six to ten points. Are you at maxed out in each of these? If not work with your leader or agent to work more in these areas. Nine areas have a value of four points. One more is at five. Pick up just one point in the majority of these and you are up ten points or more! Where do you stand? Do you have points in most or all areas? Do you need some more points?
Late October or early November. Your form must be in some time prior to November 24. That is the date by which your unit All Stars or Extension staff must have then in and reviewed. Check for a specific date for you county or city. The unit must have it to the District office by December 1 st. The District must have the forms to the District committee by December 11 th. The District committee completes its work by December 30 th. Those selected are usually notified sometime in March. Those selected must respond and attend tapping at Congress to become members.
The ball is in your court. The 4-H program offers many opportunities. It’s up to you as to which ones you take advantage.