Network of Excellence in Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS) 1 st REVIEW Brussels, 12th April 2013 FP7-ICT EINS WP12: Legislation and Standardisation Activities Heiko Niedermayer (TUM)
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Objectives Information exchange What is happening at standards and regulation Inform about Internet Science and standards Include not yet active players In particular non-technical stakeholders WP12 Standardisation and Legislation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Tasks Task 7.1: Standardisation Task 7.2: Standardisaton Methodology Task 7.3: Activities with governmental and political organisations WP12 Standardisation and Legislation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Overview of Work Performed Physical Meeting in Turin with JRA4, Sep Observation of standardisation and legislation Blog posts (ITU vs ICANN/multistakeholder) Events attended / some with presenation Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki, Finland, in Sep Internet Governance Forum, Nov Amsterdam Privacy Conference Oct WP12 Standardisation and Legislation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Achievements Collect interaction options (In Progress) Interaction with governmental and other political organisations (In Progress) Collect, assess, document Action plan Concept for Interaction (In Progress) Personal Information Input / Standards and Regulation Output / Spread Internet Science WP12 Standardisation and Legislation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Deliverables Submitted D Reports on standardisation and legislation activities Future Updates of the deliverable as D and D WP12 Standardisation and Legislation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Links with other activities Strong interaction with JRA4 on governance, regulation and standards JRA5, JRA7, JRA8: standards and legislation important in practice WP12 Standardisation and Legislation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Future Plans Continue to coordinate with JRA4 Work on the action plan and methods Attend suitable meetings / conferences First „planned“ interactions with people from legislation or standards communities WP12 Standardisation and Legislation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Conclusions Currently focus on information collection First interactions have happened Still a bit early for interaction with standards organisations on Internet Science WP12 Standardisation and Legislation