Becky Briggs, BSMP, CMQ/OE, CBIP Director/Data Steward ARC May 10, 2011 Data Governance How to Keep Your DG Program Viable for the Long Haul
© 2011 ARC ARC (Airlines Reporting Corporation) ARC is a technology solutions company providing transaction settlement and data information services. We manage the Global Travel Industry Data Warehouse $80B travel settlement sales a year 193 Million transactions annually Settle transactions with ~200 airlines ~2.5 B transactions stored in GDW ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 2
© 2011 ARC Why Data Governance Warehousing all US based travel agency sold airline tickets for 60+ months Data sharing implications across and among travel agencies, airlines, airline alliances, bankruptcies, mergers, etc. Sensitive data encryption and on-going management Internal data management and security Data is our business and data quality is our reputation At risk if data is exposed or lost EU Safe Harbor/PCI/other Compliance requirements ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 3
© 2011 ARC What is Data Governance? Work from the premise that Information is a Strategic Asset - Data is the very Lifeblood of your Business “Data governance is the act of managing the organization’s data assets in a way that promotes business value, integrity, usability, security, and consistency across the company” ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 4
© 2011 ARC High Cost of Point Solutions “Organizations that choose individual solutions (people, policies, procedures or technology) for each regulatory challenge they face will spend 10x more on compliance and governance than those that leverage each implementation for multiple requirements” Gartner Symposium ITxpo October 2005 ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 5
© 2011 ARC High Cost of Point Solutions “Organizations that choose individual solutions (people, policies, procedures or technology) for each regulatory challenge they face will spend 10x more on compliance and governance than those that leverage each implementation for multiple requirements” Gartner Symposium ITxpo October 2005 So, do you want this? ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 5
© 2011 ARC High Cost of Point Solutions “Organizations that choose individual solutions (people, policies, procedures or technology) for each regulatory challenge they face will spend 10x more on compliance and governance than those that leverage each implementation for multiple requirements” Gartner Symposium ITxpo October 2005 Or this? ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 5
© 2011 ARC An Evolutionary Approach 2002 DW Implementation Initial Data Share Policies System Data Modeling System Data Mapping 2003 Data Stewardship Program LDM & PDM Processes 2004 Chief Security Officer Added EU Safe Harbor Business Continuity Introduced ETL Tool Introduced Data Architects Added 2005 Data Correction Process Formalized Data Profiling Tool Added PCI Compliance Achieved Dual Active DR Implemented Data Acquisition Strategy 2006 Enterprise Architecture Implemented Data Provisioning Introduced Data Quality & Integration Tools Standardized Data Models Capture Business & Technical details Data Incident Reporting Formalized 2007 Begin to Standardize Data Definitions and Business Rules Formalize Data SLAs Internally & Externally 2008 TDWI Best Practice Award for Data Governance 2009 Integrated CRM Implemented Airlines Reporting Corporation 2008 CATEGORY WINNER DATA GOVERNANCE Non-Existent Ad Hoc Standardized Committed Consolidated Strategic 2010 Metadata Strategy Proposed – in review – implementation TBD Chief Risk Officer Added ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding DG Integrated into Strategy, BSC, Risk Map Begin Work for ISO
© 2011 ARC Keeping Your DG Program Viable & Relevant Move to Strategic Maturity – see DG as a Strategic Priority >Put mechanisms in place to detect trends & patterns and react to them to gain new capabilities >Show agility while maintaining necessary controls >Improve capabilities of individuals and groups across the DG program (create a “volunteer army”) >Meet the evolving needs of the organization >DG as part of the Corporate Strategy Map, BSC, Strategic Initiatives, & on the Corporate Risk Map >Be seen as strategic, visible, impactful, relevant and part of the corporate culture >Deliver value to the organization ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Non-Existent Ad Hoc Standardized Committed Consolidated Strategic 7
© 2011 ARC Balance across competing goals >Compliance goals that may limit data access vs. business needs that require expanded data access >Learning that the business goals must drive IT for overall strategic success >Data ownership challenges between the individual departments and the enterprise >Integrating data governance into many different business initiatives >Seeing data governance as a resource to move the organization forward, not as a role or headcount issue It’s a Balancing Act ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 8
© 2011 ARC Three P’s and a T People Procedures Policies Technology Policies – Data Sharing Rules, PCI Compliance, Antitrust Procedures – Data Acquisition, Data Quality, Data Profiling People – Access, Usage Rules, Data Stewardship Technology – Data Quality, ETL, Meta Data ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 9
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Data Quality ETL EDW Data Marts BI Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 10
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Ab Initio EME Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Ab Initio Data Profiler Ab Initio ETL Teradata & TD Data Marts BI (MSTR SAS TD SQL) Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. DG has executive level sponsorship Business Users own data strategy and delivery Policies & Procedures are in place (may be automated) New initiatives follow the Information Model Business Rules shared component Business Definitions Bus/Op Metadata Work Flows All tools are standardized across organization Data Stewardship 11
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Ab Initio Data Profiler Ab Initio ETL Teradata & TD Data Marts BI (MSTR SAS TD SQL) Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Built Business Case for Meta Data Management Integrating into EA Infrastructure/Future State 12
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Ab Initio EME Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Ab Initio Data Profiler Ab Initio ETL Teradata & TD Data Marts BI (MSTR SAS TD SQL) Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Data Hub Technology receives and disperses data as required/defined 13
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Ab Initio EME Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Ab Initio ETL Teradata & TD Data Marts BI (MSTR SAS TD SQL) Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Shared, flexible validation rules Integrated as part of the overall model Rigorously enforced to ward against bad data Extensive exception handling Data Profiling On-Going Monitoring Data is continuously inspected and issues resolved Data Quality 14
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Data Quality ETL EDW Data Marts BI Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Extract required data from source Transform based on shared business rules Load to the source systems Started out using home grown solution Moved to an ETL Suite with an ROI of less than 2 years 15
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Data Quality ETL EDW Data Marts BI Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Global Travel Industry Data Warehouse Part Deux Multiple Data Marts to support functional areas Data Marts Built on Data Management Model Infrastructure 16
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Data Quality ETL EDW Data Marts BI Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Multiple BI tools to support users BI Metadata Built on Data Management Infrastructure Model Data/Information ‘Built on the Fly’ is a challenge and must use shared services Added Functionality of Data Visualization 17
© 2011 ARC ARCs Data Governance Business Model ARC Business Information Model Meta Data Management Data Sourcing and Staging Data Quality ETL EDW Data Marts BI Operations, Audit & Security ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Audits – who did what, when and why? Model, data, DG process itself Role based security, robust access management, sensitive data management Operations stay in sync with DG Business Model 18
© 2011 ARC Keeping Your DG Program Viable & Relevant Move to Strategic Maturity – see DG as a Strategic Priority >DG as part of the Corporate Strategy Map, BSC, Strategic Initiatives, & on the Corporate Risk Map >Be seen as strategic, visible, impactful, relevant and part of the corporate culture >Deliver value to the organization ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Non-Existent Ad Hoc Standardized Committed Consolidated Strategic 19
© 2011 ARC Keeping Your DG Program Viable & Relevant Strategic Plan ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Non-Existent Ad Hoc Standardized Committed Consolidated Strategic 20
© 2011 ARC Keeping Your DG Program Viable & Relevant Balanced ScoreCard ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Non-Existent Ad Hoc Standardized Committed Consolidated Strategic Financial Perspective: Significant % Revenue is tied to the creation of quality data products & services Customer Perspective: (Seen as) Secure & Trusted – PCI, Safe Harbor, ISO Process Perspective: Develop Quality Products & Services Build the Premier Source of Global Travel Data Proactively Manage Risk ( DG Program is on the Risk Map ) Learning Perspective: Develop Skills for the Future Maintain an Innovative, Performance-Based Culture 21
© 2011 ARC Mature DG Offers a Competitive Advantage Internally Efficiencies across the board Common Software Embedded Enterprise Data Governance Common Policies and Procedures Measurements and Changes Managed Externally Seen as a Leader in Data Governance (Best Practice Awards) RFP Responses (PCI Compliance, Safe Harbor) ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 22
© 2011 ARC Next Steps for ARC Metadata Impact Analysis Business Rules Engine Information Architects Automated Policies Continuous Data Inspection Next Generation Governance ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 23
© 2011 ARC ARC Best Practices to Share Develop a data-driven company culture Data Governance practices must be repeatable and easily integrated from project to project Provide a foundation that is scalable and modeled with an enterprise view Strong relationships between IS and the business must exist (or be established) On-going relationship building with external suppliers is a requirement (via SLAs) ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. Create a data management strategy Strong audit and corporate responsibility focus Top down/Bottom up concurrent focus needed for continued success Create the ability to access data needs across organizational silos Strong internal employee training program on policies and procedures Remember Data Governance is a program, not a project – you’re on a multi-year journey – enjoy the ride 24
© 2011 ARC Questions? ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 25
© 2011 ARC Becky Briggs, BSMP, CMQ/OE, CBIP Data Steward Director – Office of Strategic Management ARC ARC PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. This document includes confidential information that is proprietary to Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Disclosure of this document or any information contained herein to third parties is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized ARC officer. Obsolete versions of this document should be destroyed in a manner to prevent compromise of the information, e.g., shredding. 26