Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Brownfield Navigator (BFN) Make the transition: Brownfield Remit Response tool
Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Brownfield REMIT/RESPONSE (BR2) The Brownfield REMIT/REPONSE tool (BR2) helps to understand the interactions between social, economic, environmental and governance factors in a BF and its surroundings to assess the impacts of interventions. The BR2 tool is an excel file and can be downloaded by clicking the link. The file is downloaded to your computer (check the default download directory).
Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Editing the BR2 The BR2 excel file contains an introduction, how to interpret the diagrams, site details worksheet and the BR2 tool (BR2 generic matrix elements, matrices and charts). You can enter the information in the different worksheets of the “BR2 tool” and this is processed for interpretation. For further explanation on the content please check the manual’s red line document.
Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Saving the results of the BR2 tool Because the “BR2” is an excel file, you can only save it directly to your own computer. To store the results in your BFN session, you need to upload them with the “Upload” button in your explorer (max 2MB).