Abate to Placate Vocabulary List: Unit 8
abate When the winds abated, the helicopter was able to land.
demeanor The President has such a calm demeanor that it takes quite a bit of effort to anger him.
abhor I abhor doing my laundry, so I have it professionally cleaned. v. to detest; to hate strongly
dole v. to distribute; to give out sparingly At the Red Cross shelter, food was doled out carefully to the the crowded earthquake victims.
gamut Carmela’s taste in music ran the whole gamut of rock and roll from the 60s to the 2000s. Gamut---noun the whole range or extent
extrovert As an extrovert, Liz loved parties and preferred entertaining to spending a quiet night alone. n. one who is outgoing; one who is energized rather than drained by interaction with others
aficionado Despite their atrocious season, I am still a loyal Redskins aficionado and I wear my Cooley jersey every Sunday. n. an enthusiast, a fan, an ardent follower
The students attempted to goad Kevin into skipping school with them, but he refused to join them at McDonalds. goad to provoke someone to do something; to spur
concurrently Sammy couldn’t decide which TV show to watch when his two favorite shows, American Idol and America’s Got Talent, aired concurrently. adj. happening at the same time; simultaneous
placate The airline gave out free vouchers in order to placate frustrated travelers during the holiday season. to pacify, soothe, calm