BOARD AGENDA Special Meeting PULASKI COUNTY Mon., March 13, 2000 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. ITEM 1.Welcome of School Board Members & Superintendent 2.County Revenue Estimates 3.School Board Budget Information Presentation
4.Other Matters a.Workforce Investment Board - Staff has reviewed arrangements for a fiscal agent for the new Workforce Investment Board. Plans are for the New River Planning District Commission (PDC) to engage staff to carry out fiscal agent duties. We have confirmed this arrangement will not impact the regular planning duties of the PDC staff. In order to meet the requirements of the state and federal legislation, Chairman Sheffey and staff recommend the Board adopt the following policy: Continued
The Pulaski County Board of Supervisors, as the local Grant Recipient of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funds for the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Area, desires to designate the New River Valley Planning District Commission (PDC) as the Grant Fiscal Agent. In this role, the PDC will act as the fiscal agent for all WIA funds allocated to the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Area and will also function as the local administrative entity and will provide staffing for both the Chief Local Elected Official Consortium and the local Workforce Investment Board.
b.Animal Control Supervision c.Resolution of Commendation for County Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services Response to New River Castings d.Other Matters 5.Adjournment