Law&Gospel Hand in Hand Godgavelaw The gospel must be presented hand in hand with the law. The Gospel given- God's Faith in us The Gospel believed, obeyed.


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Presentation transcript:

Law&Gospel Hand in Hand Godgavelaw The gospel must be presented hand in hand with the law. The Gospel given- God's Faith in us The Gospel believed, obeyed - Our faith response Mankeeplaw God We

Ways Unequal FaithofJesus a. Emphasize Jesus' faith in His Father; ignore His faith in us. God We Faith in us Faith in His Father

Ways Unequal FaithofJesus b. Emphasize our faith response; neglect His faith initiative. God We Faith in us Our faith response

"This Truth" -Law, especially the moral law Christ[gospel] -feel our need of Christ [Faithestablishes the Law] God We -the special power of the Holy Spirit -that efficiency as after the day of Pentecost -the light to lighten the whole earth -opposition -succeeded in shutting away -prevented -resisted -kept away The Lord's Message through Brethren Waggoner and Jones -flee unto Him -repentance and faith -reveal sin, need Christ

The Intense Conflict Whatshemighthavebeen ThefaithofJesus Between faith and unbelief. God Hislovebestowed His grace offered Rejected, scorned, refused Israel Hesaw

The Intense Conflict Whatshemighthavebeen ThefaithofJesus Between faith and foreknowledge. God Hislovebestowed His grace offered Armies, suffering, ruins. Israel Hesaw

The Law of Faith and Love We ThefaithofJesus Here is faith in God, and faith in men. God FaithInGod FaithInmen

The Law of Faith and Love We ThefaithofJesus Christ had faith in the souls for whom He died. God Faithin the souls

The Law of Faith and Love We Everyheartmayrespond ThefaithofJesus Not every heart responds; every heart may respond. God Hislovebestowed His grace offered Not every heart responds

Issue Addressed We saw how at the 1888 Conference the need was stated for "the law and the gospel going hand in hand." (1888, p. 217) The next summer in a sermon entitled "Christ and the Law" this need was further developed, and a misunderstanding was directly addressed.

Christ in that Law "Here the law of God condemns the sinner. It points out the defects of his character. But you can stand before that law all your lifetime and say, 'Cleanse me. Fit me for heaven,' but can it do it? No; there is no power in law to save the transgressor of law in sin. Then what?

Christ in that Law "Christ must appear in that law as our righteousness, and then Christ is lifted up. 'And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me' (John 12:32).

Look at the Cross "Here we look at the cross of Calvary. What has made us look at it? Christ is drawing us. Angels of God are in this world, at work upon human minds, and the man is drawn to the One who uplifts him, and the One who uplifts him draws him to repentance. It is no work of his own; there is nothing that he can do that is of any value at all except to believe.

The Cross and the Law "As he sees Christ hanging upon the cross of Calvary he sees that He loves sinners, those who were at enmity with God. He begins to marvel, and is abased. What is the reason for this?

The Cross and the Law "Why, he sees that there is a transgressed law, and that man cannot keep it, but he sees Christ, and with hope and faith he grasps the arm of infinite power and repents at every step. Of what? That he has violated every principle of the law of Jehovah.

Love and Law "...What did Christ come to our world for? To attract the mind and bring it to repentance. Here we have the love of the Father in giving His son to die for fallen man, that he might keep the law of Jehovah." { to 345.1}

Christ and the Law Christ's lesson; not detract from the law; old light in new settings That light in the framework of the gospel A transgressed law; man cannot keep it; sees Christ; repents; the love of the Father in giving His son to die Keep the law of Jehovah God We Law condemns; no power in law to save Christ must appear in that law; look at the cross

Brother Smith's Piece "Brethren, do not let any of you be thrown off the track. 'Well,' you say, 'What does Brother Smith's piece in the Review mean?' He doesn't know what he is talking about; he sees trees as men walking. Everything depends upon our being obedient to God's commandments.

Brother Smith's Piece "Therefore he takes those that have been placed in false settings and he binds them in a bundle as though we were discarding the claims of God's law, when it is no such thing. It is impossible for us to exalt the law of Jehovah unless we take hold of the righteousness of Jesus Christ." { }

Brother Smith False settings; as though we were discarding the claims of God's law Therighteousness of Jesus Christ Impossible for us to exalt the law of Jehovah unless God We We take hold of -He doesn't know what he is talking about -He sees trees as men walking Everything depends upon our being obedient to God's commandments