UNIT 1 “Building Blocks” Chapters 1-2 Achieving Independence
Chapter 1 American Roots Beginnings to 1732
Chapter 1, Section 1 Roots of Democratic Government p American constitutional government has roots in several European traditions.
Section Focus Question: What are the roots of American government?
Judeo-Christian Traditions Main Idea: Judaism and Christianity helped shape many basic moral and spiritual values. Judaism: monotheistic – belief in one God – Moral code: the Ten Commandments - stress respect for God & how people should treat one another. Christianity : also monotheistic – Emerges from Jewish traditions through the teachings of Jesus – Jesus was executed by the Romans for his teachings. – Jesus’ followers call themselves Christians. Moral code: the Ten Commandments Teachings of Jesus: love, mercy, and forgiveness.
Judeo-Christian Influences Both religions spread throughout Europe. – Eventually the teachings come to America. Main Ideas: Justice, morality, and equality – The Hebrews (Jews) teach that even powerful rulers are subject to the law. – The Christians teach that all people are equal in the sight of God: rich or poor; free or slave Influences: – Declaration of Independence – U.S. Constitution
The Greco-Roman Tradition Main Idea: Ancient Greece and Rome have a strong influence on modern American government. Athenian Democracy: direct democracy - an assembly of citizens who make decisions (and laws) for the government – Also introduce trial by jury: accused are judged by a panel of peers Roman Republic - system of government where citizens elect representatives to act on their behalf, govern in the name of the people The School of Athens -by Raphael
Greco-Roman Influences p. 9 in your book
English Parliamentary Traditions Main Idea: In England, a form of government developes based on the idea that individuals have certain rights. Magna Carta: The “Great Charter” is the 1 st document to place restrictions on the power of the English king. Parliament: an elected legislature with the power to make laws – “Power of the Purse” (to tax) English Bill of Rights: list of rights the government promises to protect (from William & Mary – 1689) – habeas corpus - cannot be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime King John signs the Magna Carta in 1215
Section Focus Question: Q: What are the roots of American government? A: American constitutional government has roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.