Judaism Fulfilled Christianity. Talmud and Rabbi Jewish people tried to stay faithful to the law of Moses Rabbis became religious leaders over small congregations.


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Presentation transcript:

Judaism Fulfilled Christianity

Talmud and Rabbi Jewish people tried to stay faithful to the law of Moses Rabbis became religious leaders over small congregations and would meet to discuss change Their interpretation of the Jewish law became known as the Talmud

Jew to Christianity Christians branch themselves from Judaism The Jews waited for a Messiah to come save the people In year “0” (time would be recorded from the time of Jesus’ birth) the Jews had come back to Jerusalem but were in bondage to the Romans

Jesus Birth Jesus was born to a virgin mother Mary from the lineage of David Christmas Jesus was said to be the “Only Begotten of the Father” meaning he was part God and part mortal Many Christians accept that Jesus was Jehovah (Yahweh) of the old testament Little is known of his early life but he studied Jewish law and followed the commandments

The Jews don’t believe Jesus When Jesus claimed to be the Son of God many Jews were angry. Jesus began his teaching at age 30 after being baptized by John the Baptist Jesus taught that everyone should make a covenant with God and be baptized too

Jesus performs many miracles Rather than liberating the Jews and conquering Rome Jesus taught the poor and helped the weak Healed the blind, raised the dead, healed the sick Gave the sermon on the mount to teach the people

Lesson Check Regardless of whether Jesus was a god or not it seems like he was a pretty nice guy. Why do you think that people were willing to kill him? What was it about his teachings that made religious people (Jews) and secular people (Romans) hate him so much?

Lesson Check The Sermon on the Mount angered many of the Jewish leaders because they felt Jesus was not authorized to change the words of the Prophets. What do you think Jesus was trying to teach the people with this lesson? What part stands out most to you? What would life be like if this advice were followed today?

Jesus establishes a church Jesus broke with Judaism and said the old law had been fulfilled by Him Called 12 apostles and set them apart to be special witnesses of Christ Claimed to receive Revelation from God to govern the people The Great Commandment of Love God and neighbor as yourself

Changes in the Church Jesus established some changes with his apostles Instituted the last supper Law of tithing Fasting and prayer Priesthood authority Temple worship Sabbath worship Principle of Forgiveness/Repentance

One Betrays Jesus While in Gethsemane Jesus paid a price for sin Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus for silver Jesus is taken and scourged, given a crown of thorns, and forced to march a cross to Golgotha Jesus is crucified and gives up his life

Resurrection Christians believe that after 3 days Jesus was resurrected Body and Spirit reunited forever Completed the Atonement Went back to heaven and placed Peter in charge Catholics (universal) claim he was the first Pope Life for Christians was very difficult and for 300 years they would be killed by Romans and their laws changed

Constantine converts Constantine converts to Christianity and forces his whole Roman kingdom to become Christians 325 AD holds Council of Nicaea and they determine Christian worship with the Catholic church Trinity (replaced Arianism) Easter Sabbath worship Edict of Thessalonica made Christianity the mandated religion of the Roman Empire