Toxicity Interactions In Anagrams InfectionsPregnancy Pharmaco- Genomics
PHOTOS Long term use of this drug can cause macular damage and bluish discoloration of the skin.
Baseline and q 3 mo LFTs and CBC, a baseline chest x-ray and Hep B and C screen are recommended prior to starting this drug.
The use of this medication to replace cyclosporin has helped lessen the incidence of hyperuricemia and gout among transplant patients.
Mycophenolate mofetil
Use of cyclophosphamide can lead to this kind of cancer
Bladder Cancer
PHOTO Defieciency in this immunoglobulin can lead to severe anaphylactic reactions in patients receiving IVIG. Check it before the patient receives it.
The dose of Azathioprine should be decreased by 50% when a male patient with tophi is also taking this drug. POUR LION ALL
This neurotransmitter is the target of a class of antidepressants which when taken with NSAIDs can greatly increase the risk of GI bleeding by 30-50%. NOTE IRONS
Even a 3-day course of Naproxen can decrease the protein binding of this drug which notoriously has a very low therapeutic index, greatly increasing the risk of GI hemorrhage. FAIR WARN
The use of a commonly used class of antidepressants can greatly diminish the analgesic effect of this pain medication by inhibition of CYP2D6. DRAMA LOT
Cyclosporine inhibits organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP) transporters, a family of influx transporters, which is the substrate for a commonly used lipid-lowering agent which has also been implicated in causing myopathy. VITAMINS SAT
A patient who works in a hospital and nursing home who develops septic arthritis or bursitis should be started on this antibiotic.
Use of Rituxan has been associated with this kind of infection due to the JC Virus
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Of Hepatitis B or C, the use of Rituximab should be used with great caution.
Hepatitis B
Of Infliximab, Abatacept, and Rituximab, reactivation of this infection can is strongly associated with the use of this biologic agent.
This condition should be considered in an RA patient from Arizona on a biologic agent who develops fevers, cough and lung lesions.
Patients who have been on Leflunomide who are seeking to conceive should receive this medication in order to rid the body of the medication
Of A, B, C, D – the FDA pregnancy category for Hydroxychloroquine
This is the FDA Pregnancy category for Methotrexate.
Class D
Of 20%, 40%, 60% - the approximate percentage of fetal deaths that can occur with usage of Mycophenolate mofetil
Fetal loss can be prevented in women with this disease by using SQ Heparin.
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
Alterations in P450 3A activity in liver, especially CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, and intestinal P-glycoprotein (P-gp) concentration are important factors in the metabolism of this drug.
Reduced activity of this enzyme can cause increased GI side effects and hepatotoxicity, lupus- like syndromes and cutaneous vasculitis with patient taking sulfasalazine. It is the same enzyme that metabolizes Isoniazid.
The risk for GI hemorrhage with use of celecoxib, diclofenac, indomethacin, naproxen and piroxicam is associated with activity of this cytochrome.
Talk about the 40s! There is a 40% incidence of deficiency in this enzyme which metabolizes Methotrexate; a CT heterozygote for the C677T genotype is found in 40% of the population is associated with a 40% inability to regenerate one of the elements in the metabolic pathyway.
Methyltetrahydrofolate reductase
Deficiency in this enzyme can lead to leukopenia in patients taking Azathioprine PLEASE ReFUSE HIM THe TYRANNY RIOT LR
TPMT or Thiopurinylmethyltransferase