Welcome to Session 2 – Project Life Cycle Project Management Certificate Program Welcome to Session 2 – Project Life Cycle Instructor: Phyllis Sweeney
Session 2 Learning Objectives The student will be able to: Understand key definitions Describe a project life cycle Project Management Certificate Program
Project Life Cycle Project Lifecycle: A collection of generally sequential phases whose names and number are determined by the control needs of the organizations involved in the project. (PMBOK) Phase: A collection of logically related project activities, usually culminating in the completion of a major deliverable. (PMBOK) Deliverable: Any unique and verifiable product, result, or capability to perform a service that must be produced to complete a process, phase, or project. Often used more narrowly in reference to an external deliverable, which is a deliverable that is subject to approval by the project sponsor or customer. (PMBOK) Is a decision a deliverable? Is a go/no go decision a deliverable or a milestone? Deliverable: Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project. Project Management Certificate Program
Project Life Cycle FEASIBILITY DESIGN PRODUCTION TURNOVER Project Management Certificate Program
Are milestones deliverables or are deliverables milestones? FEASIBILITY Activities Formulate Project Complete Feasibility Study Milestone: Go/No Go Decision Made Deliverable? Milestone: A significant point or event in the project, usually completion of a major deliverable. Deliverable: Tangible, verifiable result Are milestones deliverables or are deliverables milestones? Milestones are significant accomplishments but milestones might not be deliverables – not always……. Sometimes called initiation, product concept, etc. Project Management Certificate Program
DESIGN Activities: Develop Base Design Baseline Cost and Schedule Milestone: Contract Terms Completed Can You Have More than One Milestone in a Phase? Deliverable:?? Baseline: Initially approved deliverable to which deviations will be compared to as the project proceeds. PmBok: The original plan (for a project, or work package, or an activity), plus or minus approved changes. Another Milestone: Construction plans complete, design completed Project Management Certificate Program
PRODUCTION Activities: Manufacturing of Materials Delivery of Materials Installation of Materials Milestone: Facility Completed Deliverable: ?? What’s wrong with this one? Where are the action verbs? Activity: Action Verb + Noun Milestone: Noun + Verb – past tense Deliverable: Noun Project Management Certificate Program
TURNOVER Activities: Finish Testing Complete Testing Review Milestone: Facility Turned Over to Owner Deliverable: ?? Provide phases (Phase name) + activities + milestones Did you work top down or bottom up? Was this easy to do? How did your team work together? Can a milestone and deliverable be the same? Menu planning –cook-- serve—clean No time durations, just a WBS – work breakdown structure Phases are logically related – results not always =deliverable (go/no go decision), deliverable = result Class Exercise: Making Breakfast What is the project lifecycle for making breakfast for 10 people for Saturday morning? (Use Yellow Stickies, if they help.) Project Management Certificate Program
How to Identify Project Phases? Major milestones Time duration Natural project timeouts – logical breaks Work content and/or products Organizational transitions Time Duration – 20 to 80 hour guidelines Work Content or Products – Deliverable Organization transitions – new sponsor Project Management Certificate Program
Assignment #1: Project Lifecycle 1. Assignment #1, due Session 3 by 4:00 p.m. Sent via email to sweeneyphyllis@hotmal.com 3 Pages Maximum 2. Organization (1 page) Overview: Organizational design (matrix, functional, etc.) Project Environment/Descriptions: Number of projects per year Dollar value range Typical project duration Types of projects Organizational Influences Project Management Certificate Program
Assignment #1: Project Lifecycle 4. Project Life Cycle Flowchart and Description (1-1/2 pages) List at least 4 phases List at least 3 activities per phase List major deliverables Identify major milestones (i.e. - Go/No Go) No Bar Chart or CPM Schedules Project Management Certificate Program
Project Lifecycle Template Phase Major Activities Major Milestones Major Deliverables Use the template as described above. Hint: Activity = Verb + Noun Milestone = Noun + Verb (past tense) Deliverable = Noun Project Management Certificate Program
Planning a Vacation – an Example Phase Major Activities Major Milestones Major Deliverables 1. Destination Determine Requirements Contact Agent Get Options Destination Determined Agent contacted Options determined Requirements List Destination Brochure Decision 2. Itinerary Determine Itinerary Buy Luggage Buy clothes Itinerary Finalized Luggage Bought xxx Itinerary Luggage 3. Pack Buy Tickets Pack Luggage Plan Wake-up Call Arrange Cab Tickets Purchased Luggage Packed Xxx Tickets Packed luggage 4. Travel Catch cab Catch flight Follow Itinerary In Cab On Trip xx Trip Photos Project Management Certificate Program
Session 2 – Class Summary Understand what a Project Lifecycle is Be able to document lifecycle phases, activities, milestones, deliverables Project Management Certificate Program