Evaluation – Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Sam Cooke (The Protagonist) Sam Cooke is an ordinary man in his mid 20’s. His job is an estate agent. Although his profession is not represented throughout the whole of the opening title sequence, the fact that his costume is a suit shows that he has a well paid job and the suit could also resemble his intellect. He is a white, British, middle class man. Our character is typical of the thriller genre because he is a very ordinary person and although he is happy, his life may be seen as fairly boring. He isn’t represented as having typical ‘aggressive’ characteristics which would often be assumed to characters played by men but his costume is a suit so as it is assumed that he works this resembles what traditional families would do, the man in the family works. Our character has similar characteristics to a typical thriller protagonist. This is reflected in his ordinary costume and ordinary job. His job requires a high sophistication so this shows that he is intelligent, having a high intellect is also typical of a thriller protagonist.
Benedict Black (The Antagonist) Benedict Black is the antagonist in our opening film. He is the same age as Sam Cooke and this is because they were at school together. He is a computer analyst but his job is not referred to in the opening title sequence or the film in general. He is wearing smart clothes, which suggest his intellect along with his job. He is also wearing a big jacket. The big jacket could suggest he is hiding something. You see less of him so not only does he remain more hidden but so does his personality. Although Benedict is very clever, he is psychotic. As his mental state has deteriorated over time his actions become more dramatic and psychotic. Benedict does resemble a typical thriller antagonist because his identity remains very hidden and he is very intelligent. During the flashbacks in our opening title sequence you can see that Benedict takes out a gun which was in his jacket pocket. This prop tells us that he might be quite aggressive in his personality. You can also see him looking at words and flicking through books in the first location so these props reinforce his intellect. His facial expressions are very limited in our opening title sequence. This could suggest that he is emotionless, which is typical of a thriller antagonist.
Benedict Black (The Antagonist) Although our antagonist Benedict Black looks completely different from the antagonist from the film se7en, John Poe. Benedict’s personality is very similar to John Poe’s. We got our inspiration for our opening title sequence from the opening title sequence from se7en. We wanted to film lots of creative shots of the antagonist cutting stuff out, reading stuff and looking at stuff like they have in the opening title sequence for se7en so the personality of Benedict will be quite similar to the personality of John Poe from se7en as he is the one featured in the opening title sequence for se7en.