Columbus Comes Upon the New World Columbus convinced Isabella and Ferdinand (Spain) to fund his expedition His goal was to reach the East Indies by west-----this would by pass around Africa which Portugal monopolized He misjudged the Earth, (thought 1/3 the size) After 30 days at sea, he struck land he assumed he made it to the East Indies This spawned the following: Europe would provide the market, capital and technology Africa would provide the labor The new World would provide the raw materials
When Worlds Collide Huge biological flip-flop of Old and New Worlds (exchanged plants, foods, animals and germs) New World to the Old: -Corn, Potatoes, tobacco, beans, peppers, pumpkin, squash, tomato, and wild rice Old World to New: -Cows, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, apples, -cabbage, citrus, bluegrass, Alcohol, Firearms -Disease: Smallpox, yellow fever, malaria (Indians had no immunities too) Estimated 90s of pre-Columbus Indians died mostly due to disease
Spanish Conquistadores Treaty Line of Tordesillas: (1494) Portugal and Spain feuded over land in the New World. The pope drew this line as he was respected by both The line ran North and South and chopped off the Brazilian coast of South America Portugal got everything east of the line(Brazil and land around and under Africa) Spain got everything west of the line (which turned out to be much more but they didnt know at the time)
Conquistadores = Conquerors Vasco Balboa- Discovered the pacific ocean across Panama Ferdinand Magellan- 1st to circumnavigate the globe Ponce de Leon- touches and names Florida looking for the fountain of youth Hernando Cortez- Conquers Mexico, enters Florida, travels up the Mississippi and dies Francisco Pizarro- Conquers the Incas of Peru Francisco Coronado- Ventures into the southwest U.S. looking for the El Dorado (city of Gold) Discovered the Pueblo Indians
Conquistadores (continue) Encomienda system established: Indians were commended or given to Spanish Landlords This idea was that the Indians would work and be converted to Christianity Basically was slavery on a sugar plantation disguised as missionary work.
Conquest of Mexico Hernando Cortez conquered the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan Cortez went from Cuba to present day Vera Cruz then marched to the Aztec capital Montezuma, the Aztec King thought Cortez was a God, that was actually due to re-appear that year. Montezuma welcomed Cortez into the Aztec capital. Spanish had a large lust for gold, started to enslave and kill the Aztecs. (smallpox killed the most) The Spanish destroyed the Aztec Capital and built the Spanish Capital on top, (Mexico City) A new race of people emerged: Mestizos a mix of Spanish and Indian blood
The Spread of Spanish America Spanish Society quickly spread through Peru and Mexico Europe becomes a threat: John Cabot: touched the eastern coast of Present U.S. Giovanni de Verrazano touched the eastern coast as well Jacques Cartier: goes into mouth of the St.Lawrence river (can) -To oppose this, Spain sets up forts (presidios)all over the California coast and in Florida -Robert de LaSalle sailed down the Mississippi claiming the whole region for France naming it the Louisiana Territory.
Black Legend This was the notion by the Natives that Spaniards only brought bad things: Murder, Disease, Slavery Though true. They also brought good things such as: law systems, architecture, Christianity, language, civilization The Black Legend is partly but not entirely accurate