Assessment in Action Program The Montclair State University Experience Presented by Darren Sweeper, Head of Government Documents, Montclair State University Library VALE Assessment Fair 2014 At Rutgers University
Overview What is the AiA Program? The Montclair State U. Project Introducing the MSU Project Team The Masters of Public Health and Student Learning Outcomes Data Information Literacy Resources
The MSU AiA MPH Project is part of the program “Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success” which is undertaken by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) in partnership with the Association for Institutional Research and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. The program, a cornerstone of ACRL's Value of Academic Libraries initiative, is made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
What is the AiA Program?
AiA Program Cohorts
Members of the AiA Cohort 2014
The Montclair State U AiA Project The MSU Assessment in Action (AiA) Team Project will focus on assessing the impact of Government Documents and data information literacy instruction on student success. We will concentrate on working with the students in the new Masters in Public Health program and the outcomes of one-shot information literacy classes combined with one-on-one research appointments with librarians.
The MSU AiA Project Team Dr. Mary Mallery, Assoc. Dean, Library Darren Sweeper, Head of Government Documents, Library Dr. Lisa Lieberman, Director of Graduate Studies, Masters of Public Health Program Dr. Irina Korleva, Assessment Coordinator, Office of the Provost
Focus on Data Information Literacy Assessing data information literacy (DIL) is a new field that demonstrates a major impact of library leadership in many areas of research and business applications in e- science, with national and global reach. The AiA program will give us the training, support and community that we need to address this new field in a structured and meaningful manner.
Data Info Literacy Resources
Gov Dox Info Literacy Resources B. Jane Scales, Marilyn Von Seggern, (2014) "Promoting lifelong learning through government document information literacy: Curriculum and learning assessment in the Government Document Information Literacy Program (GDILP) at Washington State University", Reference Services Review, Vol. 42 Iss: 1, pp.52 – 69.
Information Literacy Resources Farkas, Meredith G., "Building and Sustaining a Culture of Assessment: Best Practices for Change Leadership" (2013). Library Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 78. Full-text at:
What’s Next after the AiA Program? The information that we gain from our assessment will not only be useful to the Masters in Public Health program, but the librarians will expand this program to other areas, and thus build more collaborative relationships for the Library to show the value of the Library and librarians in creating the next generation of educated and informed global citizens.
Any questions? Thank you! Contact information: Darren Sweeper, Head of Government Documents, Montclair State University