What we see in a Catholic church
The Tower The tower is high and grand to show the importance of the church in the community. It holds the bells that are rung before church services to call people to worship..
The Notice Board The notice board is by the door, giving information about important events and the charities that we support.
The Holy Water Font (stoup) The holy water fonts are next to the door. They contain water which is blessed by the Priest. When they enter the church they dip their fingers into the holy water and then make the sign of the cross. This reminds them of their baptism, and that they are entering the presence of God in church. When they leave, they do the same, but now it reminds them they are being sent out into the world by Jesus, to bring his love to others.
The congregation sit in the nave for the main services.
The Confessional The confessional is a very private place where someone can confess their sins to the Priest. The Priest will then pray for their forgiveness by God - this is called 'absolution'. This is known as the Sacrament of Penance or the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and it can take place anywhere.
A Priest will never speak of what he has heard in confession The penitent (person confessing) The priest
The Stations of the Cross These are fourteen pictures or carvings which tell the story of how Jesus suffered and died. Catholics use these to help them to pray during the time known as Lent, just before Easter.
Through the doors is the sacristy Through the doors is the sacristy. This is a room where the vestments, and items used in worship are kept. The Sacristy
This chapel is dedicated to Mary, The Lady Altar This chapel is dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus
The Baptismal Font This is the basin , that holds water for the purpose of baptising new members of the Church, including babies.
The Paschal Candle This is a large candle near the baptismal font. It is lit for the first time at the Easter vigil, and is used throughout the Christian year to remind people that Jesus is 'the light of the world'.
The Sanctuary Lamp Hanging from the ceiling is the sanctuary lamp. It is lit to show that bread that has been blessed in mass (communion service) is in the tabernacle. This can be taken by the Priest or ministers to people who were too ill to come to church.
The Altar The altar is used by the Priest during Mass. It is near the congregation, so that they can see and hear. The missal used by the Priest is open, ready for use.
The sanctuary is the holiest part of the church, around the altar.
The Tabernacle In the tabernacle are the 'blessed sacraments'. These are kept to take to people who have been too ill to come to church.
The Aumbry This is a small cupboard which contains the holy oils.
This chapel is dedicated to St. Joseph. St. Joseph's Altar This chapel is dedicated to St. Joseph.
Votive Candles (vigil lights) This is a stand of small candles. People can light a candle to show that they are praying about something particular - perhaps for themselves, or for someone else. They are usually near an icon or statue of Mary.
The Choir Loft This is the gallery from which the choir may sing
The Credence Table A Small shelf or side table used for holding the articles (cruets, chalice etc.) used in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Crucifix A Cross with the crucified image of Christ on it.
An Icon A symbolic, sacred image of Christ, the Holy Trinity, Mary or the angels and saints, usually written on wood or ivory.
The Presider’s Chair The presider's chair is located so that the priest may preside over the celebration. It is from this place that the priest leads the liturgical assembly in prayer.
The Pulpit This is where the homily or sermon is preached from. The pulpit is high up, so that all the congregation can see the Priest. Not all priests use the pulpit. The Priest might explain the meaning of the Bible passage that has been read. The teaching helps the people to apply the guidelines and stories in the Bible to their own lives.
The Lectern (Ambo) This is a stand from where the Bible is read during church services. It is higher than where the congregation sit, so that everyone can see and hear.