Wiki As A Tool For Collaborative Learning
Knowledge no longer exclusively comes from a single instructor; rather, a wiki enables all students to contribute to each other’s learning. Introduction “When anyone can publish at the press of a button, the social role of gatekeepers changes.” (Weinberger, 2007, p. 102)
“Wiki use reflects the view of an instructor as one who facilitates information sharing among learners rather than simply transmitting knowledge from themselves to their students.” (Mindel & Verma, 2006)
A wiki is a collection of collaboratively authored web documents. The first wiki was created by Ward Cunningham in Wikis get their name from the Hawaiian term “wiki wiki,” which means “very fast.” A wiki starts with one front page. Each author can make changes to the same page. Wikis provide users with both author and editor privileges. A wiki can incorporate sounds, movies, and pictures. What is Wikispaces?
Why Wikispaces? The world’s easiest to use wiki. No experiences necessary. Constantly bring you new and improved features. Develop the product based on what you and our community wants. Highly-praised customer service.
Great motivator for teachers. Easy to manage and get information. Allows for creativity and innovation. Encourages participation of all teachers. Promotes communication between teachers from different location. Interesting way to learn and communicating Why bring Wiki to teaching?
Why using Wiki in teaching? Simple website Peer-reviewed projects. Manage all information. Teachers discussion and debate. Teachers collaboration with others teachers. Post notes, documents, photo and video.
Why use Wikispaces?
Simple website. The world’s easiest to use wiki. No experience necessary. You are up and running in minutes.
Why use Wikispaces?
Wiki’s for Course Management The role that the systems play most often is like that of an advanced photocopier, allowing faculty members to deliver materials to their students with greater ease than was previously possible. That use can be important, but it is only part of what the systems could do.” (Maloney, 2007, p. B26) Centered around the student learning not the course’s administration. Student can collaborating and sharing their knowledge
Syllabus Management Syllabus becomes a living document Easy to update in the likely event that the schedule changes. Syllabus more accurately reflects the class pace. Lucas and Frydenberg (2000) developed a web- based application for course management using Active Server Pages, where each page had this structure. Today the use of a wiki is a much more general solution, and renders this specialized application obsolete
Project Management Wiki as a project management when students add information to it. Creates a log of contributions Centrally located collection of resources Wikis “establish virtual learning spaces or environments that facilitate collaboration across time, interruptions, and distance.” (Mindel & Verma, 2006, p. 11)
Collaborative Writing “Putting a lecture skeleton onto a wiki website and encouraging students to flesh out that skeleton can create high-quality lecture notes and provide an instructor with valuable feedback on what students have understood.” (O'Neill, 2005, p. 268) Students could experience their work being edited or changed Take note directly in the wiki during class
Collaborative Study Sheets “When contributing to a wiki project, students are not just writing for the teacher, as is the case in traditional classroom environments, but for and with their peers.” (Guth, p. 62) Students create a collaborative study sheet Simple system of check and balance Instructor would select potential questions for an examination
Contributed to their learning Tools for collaborative learning Useful for expressing idea’s on the internet Allows for creativity and innovation Promotes communication between student and teachers Impact of Wiki’s on Student Learning
“Easy tool for putting together document that can be viewed or edit from anywhere.” Siti Zarina, teacher at SMK(P) Jln Ipoh, KL. “With wikispaces, it is easy and fast way to build documents on live.” Surina Muhammad Fakhruddin, teacher at SMK Sg. Pusu, KL. “It’s free, easy, sharing and assembling documents via ”. “It provides a unique opportunity for collaboration as all users can create and edit document.” What teachers have to say about Wikispaces? Ummi Nazrah, teacher at SMK Ipoh, Perak. Noryani teacher at SMK Rusila, Terengganu.
1.Divide into two groups 2. Debate on the advantages and disadvantages of using wikispaces in teaching and learning 3. Support your ideas based on your reading. Activities
Easy to use and has a step by step technology which guides students Editing is very similar to Word View recent changes and revert to an earlier version Students are able to develop communication skills within class using the computer Advantages
It provides opportunities for "active- learning" activities Wiki has no prearranged structure Teachers can view ‘recent changes’ on the student’s Wikispaces Builds a community of learners. Advantages
Only one person can edit a page at a time. However people can edit different pages at the same time. Free accounts can be seen by anyone Students become easily distracted Requires Internet connectivity to collaborate Disadvantages
Open to SPAM and Vandalism if not managed properly Wikis can challenge the role of the teacher! The strength of the resource is often dependent on the strength of the community Disadvantages
Take time to reflect, individually and as a group. Share feelings and experiences. Share ideas that will lead to a final projects. Reflection