Emerging Technologies and Guideline 1
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Principle 2 – Govern Records The agency must have a Records Management program that is a framework for: Business analysis to inform the program Records Management Policy Records Management Procedures Records Management Plans - Operational, Strategic, Vital records and Disaster Management Performance management for reporting Risk analysis Continuous improvement activities Managing multiple sites Outsourcing government business
Principle 4 – Access Records Records access must be monitored for security breaches Access must be managed in accordance with: Organisational security policy/model Tasmanian Government Information Security Manual Relevant legislation Organisational change Records accessibility must be maintained during and after: System migration Government administrative change Transfer of Custody Access to systems, and the records in them, must be maintained for the required retention periods Access provisions must be included in outsourcing documentation.
Principle 5 – Dispose of Records Records disposal must be approved by the State Archivist The agency must develop and maintain an approved Retention and Disposal Schedule, covering all unique agency-specific functions Records destruction must be secure, documented and appropriate to the media The agency must have an active disposal program Custody of records must be appropriately managed during Government administrative change Disposal of source records must meet TAHO requirements The agency must not decommission or migrate business systems without consulting TAHO Permanent records must be retained in the agency for no longer than 25 years and then transferred to TAHO (unless an exemption has been granted by the State Archivist).
So how do I know?
So what do I do?
Create and Capture the records Govern them Store them Make sure you can access them Dispose of them