Resource Math Mr. Hartshorn Room 237
Rules All normal school rules and policies apply to Academic Support including, but not limited to: Phones – None what so ever. Office to call Music devices – *None till after Labor Day* Language- Kindness and respect Computer use- Khan Academy or classwork Attendance- Sign after 3, makeup after 5 Tardiness- 1 free Tardy, 2+3 Detention w/me Failure to comply with school rules and procedures will first result in a warning with a prompt on what the appropriate behavior should be. A second incident will result in a disciplinary referral and students will earn the appropriate consequence from administration.
Class Procedures and Routines The routine of Academic Support consist of structured time and daily routines Daily Schedule: 5 Min Bell Ringer 5 Min QUITE preparation 10 Min Share out/Offer help/Daily routine 30 Min Independent work/Tutoring 5 Min Break 30 Min Collaborative peer work Rubric/Exit slip
Monday: Set a goal for the week Tuesday: Agenda check Wednesday: Goal check-in Thursday: Offer feedback/suggestions to peers Friday: Notebook/Book bag organization *IF YOU DO NOT BRING WORK FROM YOUR CLASSES YOU WILL BE ASSIGNED COURSE RELATED WORK * Each student will have a folder for handing in their daily participation rubric and organizing tests/homework ect. Online Tutoring Khan Academy Khan Academy
In addition to bringing their coursework, students are also required to bring the following to class: An agenda of some type (paper or electronic) Something to write on (paper/notebook) and something to write with (pen/pencil) A willingness to participate and work during class time. Index cards, graphing calculators, rulers, scissors, glue, and construction paper are all available in the classroom.
Parking Lot The Parking Lot is a place to offer suggestions, feedback, offer appreciation, leave notes, ect. Feel free to leave a message ON A POST-IT NOTE at te parking lot. If you did not get your question answered. If you need more time, a seat change, problem with a peer. Maybe you want to offer Mr. Hartshorn fashion advice— Whatever if may be feel free to leave classroom appropriate messages at the Parking Lot.
Restroom Breaks Restroom breaks and water breaks may only be taken during the 5 minute break or during peer work. With that being stated, please use the restroom before class begins. Using the restroom will not be an excuse for tardiness. For restroom breaks, students are expected to sign out and take the pass. For water breaks students may simply go to the fountain since it is close. Since only one student may be out of class at a time, please be mindful of how long you take, out of consideration to your classmates.
Grading Academic Support is a credited class which counts towards graduation. With that in mind, each student will receive a grade based on their efforts in the course. Grades will come from the following assessments: 1) Daily participation rubric. You will grade yourself based on 9 criteria. 2) Weekly agenda, notebook, and book bag checks. 3) Goal setting and progression towards goals.
Contact Info and Signatures Students please share this information with your parents and return this sheet with signatures for a quiz grade by Friday, 8/24. Mr. Hartshorn Parent/Guardian’s Name:_______________ Parent/Guardian’s preferred method of communication: ____________________________________ We have read the information in this slide show and understand what is required for academic support. Students’ Signature:___________________________ Parents’ Signature:____________________________